• Smart hospital ethics: starting the dialogue

    With the advent of smart hospitals, the digital future of clinical medicine calls for a new ethical framework.   Fact: whether you like digital medicine or not—it is already here. Also true: facts do not hold normative power—the presence of breathtaking technological progress A is by no means a pro-ethical argument to use A. Artificial intelligence...

  • Distributing a life source in Africa

    Lifebank has developed crucial infrastructure in Nigeria, enabling the efficient transportation and storage of blood, saving thousands of lives. HealthManagement editor Marianna Keen spoke to CEO and founder Temie Giwa-Tubosun about her journey.   To what degree has the blood shortage in Nigeria been tackled so far, due to the work of LifeBank?...

  • Africa leading way in healthcare tech: the continent is ahead of the game in cutting-edge drone use

    The African healthcare context is uniquely placed to adopt and benefit from drone technology.   In the past decade, the possible use of drone technology in various sectors of the economy has become increasingly likely. As with most new technologies, drones are seen as a double-edged sword. Their most high-profile use has been in a military context, which...

  • Ayushman Bharat - India's National Health Protection Mission

    Effective implementation of Ayushman Bharat - India’s National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) will largely depend on ensuring that the package of services prioritised under the National Health Protection Scheme is based on community needs, evidence-based, well governed and inclusive.   There is arguably no aspect of social policy more complex...

  • Healthcare Executive Alliance: Insights For Healthcare Leadership

    Healthcare organizations do a phenomenal job. Today, an increasing number of diseases are treated successfully and people enjoy a better quality of life even into old age. Yet, while much is being done to discover new ways to improve patients' lives, we now see radical changes to structures, incentives, and processes within healthcare to sustain provision...

  • Cardiology in the Care Continuum

    The case for coordination of cardiology services across the care continuum would seem to be compelling, given the complex needs of cardiac patients. Siloing cardiac care can lead to fragmented treatment, increased costs and lowering of quality. However, in practice this collaboration and coordination can be difficult to implement. Barriers to care...

  • Big Drama in IT Security

    Recent Hospital Virus Attacks Trigger Call to Redefine IT Security Recent cases of cyber-attacks, intentionally breaching the security infrastructures of hospitals around the globe, have raised serious questions about how to tackle such malicious invasions. no matter if it was for financial gain or the simple thrill of having broken through the...

  • Patient Portals in Practice

    Patient portals are secure online websites that offer patients access to personal health information. Basic portals (portals 1.0) are windows into electronic records, built into or added on to existing electronic health records (EHR). Portals 2.0 have advanced functionality, including health information exchange and web 2.0 capabilities such as social...

  • 2nd Joint European Hospital Conference

    November was a busy month for the EAHM. A week before the congress in Luxembourg members headed to Düsseldorf for the second Joint European Hospital Conference. Jointly organised by the EAHM, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the European Association of Hospital Physicians (AEMH), the conference was another great success...

  • From Evidence-Based Medicine to Data-Driven Hospital Supply Chains

    A Look to The Future Authors: Anita R. Vila-Parrish Julie S. Ivy Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering North Carolina State University [email protected]   The Challenge of Managing Hospital Supply Chains Inventory management of medications and supplies within the hospital...

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