• Integrating labs into clinical care pathways

    Based on an Abbott-sponsored symposium “Diagnostics, Data and Integrated Clinical Care – From Insight to Action” presented at European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) congress, Cascais, Portugal, 27th September 2018. Introduction  Pressure on healthcare systems continues to rise as the world’s population grows and lives longer;...

  • Digitizing healthcare

    Affidea launches new digital tools in its network to improve patient experience and boost operations workflow. Affidea, the leading pan-European provider of advanced diagnostic imaging, outpatient and cancer care services, has announced the launch of two new applications to drive forward the digitisation of its operations and increase productivity...

  • Is Blockchain impacting the healthcare arena?

    The Blockchain race in healthcare has yet to begin Supporters say it has everything to offer healthcare security and transparency, but what do practical, on-the-ground C-levels really think about Blockchain's potential today?  While the technology trend-o-metre and cryptocurrency world at large set off fireworks of exciting talk and...

  • Can Blockchain support advances in radiology?

    In 2019 we will embrace Blockchain and innovation as necessary support for the healthcare of our time. Blockchain can influence the design and implementation of new models by refining data security; provide more robust audit trail mechanisms required, eliminate medical imaging acquisitions repetition, reduce transaction costs, while allowing...

  • How can automation improve outpatient care while reducing costs?

    The new role of hospitals and the triple aim challenge Rather than being an unaffordable luxury, automation can quickly deliver an impressive return on investment. The list of advanced technology and automation in healthcare is growing, from using Amazon Echoes to provide adult social care (paconsulting.com/our-experience/argenti-using-technology-to-drive-social-care-t

  • Patient responsibility for following up on test results

    A risk manager recently asked for guidance on the patient's responsibility in following up on the results of tests that have been ordered. In our response, we note that providers are responsible for reviewing and following up on the results of the tests they order. That responsibility typically includes ensuring that results that require...

  • Encouraging health app use with seniors

    Prevention, patient autonomy and use of digital goods A digital health coaching platform offers sustainable support of the elderly population to improve their mental, emotional and physical fitness. The German healthcare system is still one of the  best in the world. Nevertheless, for many years the contribution of healthcare...

  • Heat Waves: a climate change challenge to hospitals’ resilience

    The scientifically based forecast of more frequent devastating natural disasters is coming, and so is the need for a proactive attitude against the related risks. Hospitals and healthcare systems should get engaged in such activity. Scientific evidence of the relation between natural disasters and climate change It is becoming a constant...

  • Highlights from the I-I-I Blog

    (I expert, I question, I answer)  Have you got something to say? Visit  https://healthmanagement.org/blog/index  or contact [email protected].  Michael E. Ramsay Chairman - Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management Baylor University Medical Center, US. TOP QUOTE FROM ZOOM-ON-PROFILE Making healthcare...

  • ISO implementation: How to motivate lab personnel

    Transforming the pressure of accreditation into team engagement. With the requirement that ISO 15189 imposes on medical laboratories, which approach can motivate personnel to embrace the assessment criteria? As an internationally-recognised benchmark for quality management systems and competence standards, medical laboratories are constantly...

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