• Operationalising AI in radiology

    Implementation and integration challenges Over the last few years, we have seen a rapid rise in the popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This will be a prime focus for attendees at this year’s European Congress of Radiology. As a member of the European Commission’s AI Alliance, I am optimistic and excited about the real-world application...

  • State-of-the-art syncope assessment

    Aspects & challenges - Approaches & tools Head-up-tilt testing (HUTT) and autonomic function testing are essential diagnostic procedures in syncope assessment. With the advent of unique innovative methods to noninvasively monitor beat-to-beat blood pressure, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance as well as autonomic regulation, highly efficient...

  • Unleashing the full potential of AI

    The digital revolution has changed every aspect of our lives – from the way we communicate to the way we live and interact. We are slowly moving towards this transformation in healthcare, where big data, predictive analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do for healthcare what it has done for other industries. We have already started to...

  • Will AI lead to job cuts or will the tech improve working lives?

    Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be trusted to better working conditions and create more jobs or, as the technology becomes more widespread in healthcare, will it be a threat to employment in the sector? HealthManagement.org spoke to four Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts for their views.   Luciano Floridi Professor of Philosophy and Ethics...

  • AI-based prediction in clinical settings: can we trust it?

    AI is proving its worth in delirium prediction   An AI model used for prediction and prevention of delirium in elderly patients is reaping results and gaining the confidence of users.    The challenge   Users in healthcare are facing the situation that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to incorporate information available...

  • Artificial Intelligence: a next way forward for healthcare

    The promise and the  reality and how to combine the two for efficient and patient-centred hospital care   By harnessing new insights and benefits offered by AOI and Machine Learning, Leeds Teaching Hospital is upgrading the precision of its healthcare information to enable a new world of prediction and analysis that sees the delivery of a new...

  • Value-based healthcare and the doctor-patient relationship

    The doctor-patient relationship can be considered a gateway to value-based care. Healthcare organisations that want to implement a value-based care model need to see the patient as their most important long-term asset.   What is value-based care?   Value-based care refers to a care-delivery model that is based on delivering...

  • Nursing on the move: cross border hiring

    Addressing obstacles for successful hiring   How to navigate the multiple challenges involved in making a cross-border nursing hire a success.   People have always moved from their home countries to other countries in order to settle there permanently or for a certain period to work. The reasons for this are manifold.   The main...

  • Highlights from the I-I-I Blog

    (I expert, I question, I answer)  Have you got something to say? Visit  https://healthmanagement.org/blog/index  or contact [email protected].  Philip Braham Co-Founder & Director - Remedium Partners, UK TOP QUOTE: “Solving the NHS doctor shortage isn’t an overnight solution – the fact that agency locums haven’t ‘fixed’...

  • Achieving zero avoidable patient deaths by 2020

    The Patient Safety Foundation rounds up best practices at its annual congress   The 2019 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit held in January presented best practices for preventing avoidable patient deaths and a guide to how hospitals can achieve this by 2020.   I have just returned from the 7th Annual World Patient Safety,...

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