• Telehealth bringing Personalised Medicine closer

    What role is telehealth playing in improving the genomics playing field?   How one company is breaking down barriers to implementation of genomics to make Personalised Medicine a growing daily reality in healthcare provision.     What is Genome Medical’s mid to long-term objective in the field of genomics and Personalised Medicine...

  • A primer on next generation sequencing data analytics

    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is rapidly becoming more and more standardised in terms of sequencing techniques.   With Precision Medicine coming into the clinical forefront, it is important to know the steps and possibilities associated with Next-Generation Sequencing techniques.   Introduction   Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is...

  • Sex and gender in medicine

    The need for more attention to how sex and gender influences healthcare   Healthcare has not been immune to the gender gap, but the implications go deeper than one would expect.   Biological differences between males and females have a profound impact on how we approach their healthcare needs in terms of pathophysiology and treatment for...

  • Precision health and population health: can they intersect effectively?

    How and where can precision medicine and public health join forces to improve patient care and outcomes and, ultimately, lead to more efficient healthcare. HealthManagement.org spoke to four precision medicine experts for their views. You might also like: Precision Medicine: the future of health   Tienush Rassaf  Department Head...

  • Secrets of innovation success

    International transfer of successful lessons and strategies is essential for improving quality, accessibility and affordability of healthcare services.  Innovators in both developed and developing nations have found ways to deliver healthcare at a significantly lower cost while increasing access and quality, but we need more...

  • New hospital policies and procedures required for patient safety

    Eighteen Actionable Patient Safety Solutions are the key to zero preventable patient deaths in our hospitals.   What are the patient safety processes that every hospital administrator and healthcare professional should adopt today to avoid preventable patient harm and death in hospitals?    It’s an unfortunate fact of the medical profession...

  • Can machines behave morally enough for healthcare?

    Machine ethics: A case for human-centric Artificial Intelligence With the development of AI comes the question of ethics, especially in the human-centric healthcare setting. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative forces of our time and presents a great opportunity to increase prosperity and growth. Over the last decade,...

  • Artificial Intelligence in healthcare: What is versus what will be

    Artificial intelligence will alter healthcare as we know it, augmenting some jobs and outright replacing others. Though we can’t be sure when this will happen, what’s most important for now is understanding what AI is and what it isn’t.   At medical conferences and in hospital cafeterias, few topics come up more frequently, or cause more confusion...

  • The immunotherapy hurdle & why doctors could soon predict how each patient will respond

    A partnership between Vanderbilt University Medical Center and GE Healthcare will create AI-powered apps to enable safer and more precise immunotherapies.   When two doctors oceans apart were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work in immunotherapy – the breakthrough treatment that turns the body’s own...

  • Artificial Hype Infographic

      Next Article:  Value-based healthcare and the doctor-patient relationship

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