• Innovative Technologies for Improved Healthcare

    Innovation is at the heart of everything we do at Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices. But while we believe in striving forward with successful technologies, at the same time, we recognise the need to look at existing processes first and identifying how hospitals can synchronise and standardise these processes. The goal is optimisation so that we can...

  • Brexit: Wreaking Havoc in Healthcare?

    The date is set (we think!) - on October 31st the United Kingdom is to leave the European Union (EU). Since the 2016 referendum on membership of the EU bloc, when 51.9% of British voters opted for an exit from the European Union, the Brexit negotiations have been erratic and dramatic with no resolution about the form the exit will take. Trade deals,...

  • Leading Change as a Physician

    Summary: Erin Sullivan introduces Xavier Corbella, physician turned CEO, to discuss his leadership journey and implementing change within the health system. Introduction I had the good fortune of being introduced to Dr. Corbella in early 2016 while visiting Barcelona to understand Spain’s approach to primary care delivery....

  • Secrets of Longevity The IKARIA Study

    Summary: The intriguing finding of longevity among the Ikaria inhabitants was the impetus to perform an epidemiological study. Motivated by the IKARIA study, proposed measures of approaching the goal of longevity through delay of cardiovascular ageing will be discussed in this article. From the ancient years up until the contemporary...

  • FrailSafe System: An Innovative Approach on Frailty

    Summary: Frail older people are often burdened with a range of complex medical conditions that leave them more susceptible to illness. The FrailSafe system aims to resolve this by offering a method that can predict, detect and manage frailty earlier on. Frailty is a clinical syndrome manifested with progressive deterioration in more than one...

  • Silver Tsunami Infographic

    An overview of ageing and its impact on healthcare.

  • New Management Pathways in Cardiovascular Risk Factors

    Summary: A presentation of a case study in light of the updated ESC guidelines on lipid control and new guidelines on diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Several new guidelines were released at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in Paris, France. These included updated guidelines on lipid control and new guidelines...

  • Tackling the Five Essential Levers of Theatre Efficiency

    Summary: In which areas can theatre departments instigate change for improved performance? Theatres are at the heart of delivering quality outcomes for patients by performing life-changing and life-saving operations. That makes maximising the use of this vital and expensive resource essential for hospitals’ efforts to meet quality,...

  • Highlights from the I-I-I Blog

    (I expert, I question, I answer)  Have you got something to say? Visit https://healthmanagement.org/blog/index or contact [email protected] Sabesan Sithamparanathan Founder and CEO at PervasID, UK TOP QUOTE FROM THE BLOG ‘Three Ways Next Generation RFID Can Transform the Healthcare Sector’ “The ability to...

  • Singapore: Transformative Shifts in Healthcare Management

    Summary: In a world of changing healthcare ideals, all that is required is a change in our mindset. Transformation is accelerating in healthcare, and this is particularly true with regards to healthcare in Singapore. It has been ranked the longest for life expectancy at birth (Global Burden of Disease Study 2017) as well as second for healthcare...

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