• Preparing your lab for the future

    The gain from entering the digital landscape. With the clock clicking for fully entering a digital landscape that will benefit patient and provider, medical labs need to act fast. Baher Al Hakim, CEO of Medicus, an AI-based platform that converts data for effective health insights, spoke to HealthManagement.org about the whats, whys and, importantly,...

  • Hyperthermia. An amplifier for radiation therapy.

    Hyperthermia can further enhance the therapeutic outcomes of radiation and chemotherapy, while keeping side effects at a minimum. A treatment method with many advantages. What is hyperthermia? Hyperthermia is the intentional overheating for therapeutic purposes, either throughout the body or in individual organs. The method of directly...

  • The whole patient? The whole person

    I am myself and my circumstances (Ortega y Gasset). Patients are people when they leave the doctor´s office. They live a life, have jobs and families. Taking a whole person approach is the only way forward to face today´s and tomorrow´s healthcare challenges. Why is talking about the whole person relevant today in healthcare? Let’s...

  • Can we evaluate and treat the patient as a whole?

    What is the potential for a more rounded healthcare approach? If we want to implement the WHO definition of health, we need to build people-centred care and service systems that we will evaluate the patient as a whole. In 1948, the World Health Organization defined the concept of health as follows: “A state of complete physical, mental...

  • The whole patient infographic

    Understanding the 'whole patient' and how it could lead to better clinical outcomes and more positive patient experiences. 

  • Imaging applications of artificial intelligence

    The potential impact of artificial intelligence in radiology is impressive; vendors and major academic centres are developing a wide array of artificial intelligence applications and neural networks to aid radiologists in clinical diagnosis and clinical decision support. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the trending topics in medicine...

  • Building a patient-centric culture in a multinational healthcare provider

    The Affidea Experience Today, healthcare providers are facing numerous pressures and a hypercompetitive environment in which they should respond to patient needs in a personalised way. The focus on clinical excellence and outstanding medical outcomes can sometimes make healthcare providers lose sight of an important aspect of providing effective...

  • How the simple ingredient of delight can transform healthcare

    A small dose of ‘magic’ in the healthcare setting can lead to a more efficient experience. With an emphasis on health rather than sickness, healthcare can make simple but profound adjustments to align for a healthcare experience patients can actually look forward to. Healthcare futurist, entrepreneur, professor of molecular oncology, author...

  • The boundaryless hospital

    The new role of hospitals and the triple aim challenge. The concept of the boundaryless hospital, in combination with the value chain approach, provides the theoretical basis for an effective and efficient network design. Initial situation The highly developed healthcare systems of the western countries will, generally, face similar...

  • Staff matters infographic

    A snapshot view of the challenges facing healthcare human resources.

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