• Faire Face à Nos Défis

    Les hôpitaux en Europe font face à des défis considérables. Chaque pays est confronté au même problème: comment assurer la qualité et l'efficacité des soins malgré des conditions souvent extrêmement difficiles.   La crise économique et financière est loin d’être finie et ses effets se font bien sentir. L’évolution démographique est...

  • Joint Responsibility....

    Willy Heuschen EAHM Secretary General Editor-in-Chief The annual conference of the European Public Health Alliance held during the Lithuanian EU presidency demonstrated that disparities in the physical health of the population of EU member states are ever more increasing. For instance, one statistic showed that restrictions...

  • EAHM

    2 nd Joint European Hospital Conference After the success of last year’s first Joint European Hospital Conference, EAHM is again joining forces with the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and Association of European Hospital Physicians (AEMH) to hold a second conference.   The next Joint European Hospital Conference...

  • Hospital Management in Times of Crisis: Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities

    Many people strongly believe that funding is the crucial factor for effectiveness. When the economy is weakened and the hospital budget reduced, what can a hospital manager do to continue to deliver better care? The 24th EAHM congress in Luxembourg will discuss these constraints and also the many challenges and opportunities our hospitals face...

  • Driving Operational Improvement: Joined-up Healthcare Data

    Author: Peter Osborne LOC Consulting www.locconsulting.co.uk Following the introduction of the new NHS structures in 2013 in the UK, the NHS still needs to find additional cost savings, despite central health budgets being ring-fenced. This is a common situation across Europe. Peter Osborne believes that...

  • Learning from the Nuclear Industry

    There have been many publications focusing on how healthcare can learn from other industries, namely the aviation and manufacturing sectors but comparisons with the nuclear industry are not so common. Peter J. Provonost from John Hopkins University School of Medicine and Daniel W. Hudson from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission have changed this....

  • The Sustainable Operating Room

    The Operating Room (OR) is a central part of the hospital environment. It is high risk and high cost, but there are many initiatives out there to make the OR more sustainable in terms of the environment and also cost-effectiveness. The OR uses the most supplies in a hospital and studies have shown that between 20-30% of hospital waste can be traced...

  • Connected Health Empowers Patients and Providers

    Author: David Pettigrew Sector Manager for Patient Care Sagentia Connected health is poised to transform the way services are delivered. Sagentia’s David Pettigrew examines how technology innovation is successfully making the transition to commercial reality.   Ageing populations and the growing...

  • Editorial

    Willy J. Heuschen, Secrétaire général de l'AEDH et rédacteur en chef Uneeresponsabilit é Conjointe La conférence annuelle de l' European Public Health Alliance qui s'est tenue pendant la présidence de l'Union européenne de la Lituanie a fait état des disparités croissants concernant l’état de santé de la population...

  • AEDH News

    Deuxi è me Joint European Hospital Conference Après le succès de la première Joint European Hospital Conference l'année dernière, l'AEDH s'associe de nouveau à l'European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) et l’Association of European Hospital Physicians (AEMH) dans le but d'organiser une deuxième rencontre.   La prochaine...

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