• National

    New Frontiers: Ensuring Success for the Irish Health Service The Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) held their annual conference in the Gresham hotel in Dublin. Over 200 delegates attended the informative event with the theme of “New Frontiers: Ensuring Success for the Irish Health Service”.   Derek Greene, President...

  • EU News

    Can Non-Public Resources Relieve Europe's Cash-Strapped Health Budgets? US expert Prof. Richard B. Saltman offered an alternative, if not controversial, solution to European healthcare’s difficult financial situation at this year’s European Health Forum Gastein. Unconvinced that increased efficiency will be enough, Saltman suggested...

  • Hospital Architecture is an Interdisciplinary Business

    Authors: Julie Meldgaard Architect and EDAC-certified Stine Fausing Thomsen Designer and Nurse Pernille Weiss Terkildsen Nurse, M.Sc., MLI, EDAC-certified , ArchiMed www.archimed.dk The health service is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion, placing challenging...

  • Rescheduling in the OR: A Decision Support System Keeps Stakeholders and OR-Manager Happy

    Authors: J. Theresia van Essen Johann L. Hurink Woutske Hartholt Center of Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research (CHOIR) University of Twente, Enschede The Netherlands [email protected] Bernd J. van den Akker Isala Clinics Zwolle The Netherlands...

  • Personalised Medical Technology

    Author: Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Goyen Academic Research Director GE Healthcare [email protected] Personalised medicine is all the rage and has become a dominant guiding theme of health research. The focus is on the development of drugs that allow customised treatment. Based on the genetic individuality...

  • The Healthcare System in Luxembourg

    Authors: Marc Hastert General Secretary FHL Laure Pellerin Economic Consultant FHL Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg has, for a country with an area of 2,586 km 2 , over 537,000 residents to is added daily + / - 150, 000 cross-border workers. The Luxembourg society is distinguished...

  • The Federation of Luxembourgish Hospitals

    The FHL groups together hospitals in Luxembourg, defends their occupational interests and promotes all progress in the hospital sector including the wellbeing of the patient. It does this in a spirit of perfect political and religious independence.   The FHL was founded in 1948. It began as a structure grouping hospital managers and administrators,...

  • Executive Summaries

    Présentation De l’IMPO, Le Nouveau Modèle De Travail De l'AEDH Par Willy Heuschen et Jos Vanlandyut   L’AEDH a conscience des nombreux bouleversements qui interviennent actuellement dans le secteur de la santé et de l’impact qu’ils ont sur les hôpitaux et sur les directeurs d'hôpitaux plus précisément. Tout comme nos hôpitaux,...

  • Editorial

    Von Willy Hesuchen, EVKD Generalsekretär u. Chefredakteur Mitverantwortlich … Die im Rahmen des EU-Vorsitzes Litauens abgehaltene Jahreskonferenz der European Public Health Alliance zeigte auf, dass die Ungleichheiten des Gesundheitszustandes der Bevölkerungen der europäischen Mitgliedsländer weiter und verstärkt auseinander...

  • EKVD News

    Joint European Hospital Konferenz Nach dem Erfolg der „Joint European Hospital Konferenz” im letzten Jahr schließt sich die EAHM abermals mit der ‚European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE)’ und der ‘Association of European Hospital Physicians (AEMH)’ zusammen – und organisiert eine zweite Konferenz.   Die nächste Joint European...

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