• New Member

    We are glad to present you The Dutch association “ Bestuurders Curatieve Zorg Nederland (BCZN) ” (Curative Care Managers of the Netherlands) as a new member of the EAHM. The BCZN represents managers with end responsibility in healthcare institutions. BCZN aims to join forces to support and strengthen the function of directors of healthcare institutions...

  • 2nd Joint European Hospital Conference

    The next Joint European Hospital Conference, jointly organised by HOPE, AEMH and EAHM will take place on Friday November 22nd 2013 in Düsseldorf (Germany) as part of the 36th Deutsche Krankenhaustag at Medica 2013. The morning session will continue last year’s theme, looking into the European Directive on Patient Rights. In the afternoon, the conference...

  • Germany: Hospitals Caught Between Public Expectation And Political Cost-Cutting

    ‘Hospitals: caught between public expectation and political cost-cutting’: this was the central topic of the 20th Leadership Training jointly organised by the German Association of Hospital Managers (VKD), member of the EAHM, and the Association of Diagnostica-Industry (VDGH) in Berlin. Germany may well top the list of European states when it comes...

  • Core Competencies for Infection Control and Hospital Hygiene Professionals in the European Union

    Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are recognised as a major burden for patients, society and healthcare management. In 2008, ECDC estimated that more than four million people acquire a HAI each year in the EU, of which approximately 37,000 die as the direct consequence of the infection. Effective prevention and control of HAI in healthcare organisations...

  • The Economic Benefits of Antibiotic Management in Hospital: An Economic Analysis

    Author Alastair Gray Health Economics Research Centre Department of Public Health University of Oxford [email protected] Infections in hospital are challenging to manage and are costly for healthcare systems. Following control of acute infection, discharge into the community may be feasible, with or without continuing antibiotic...

  • Evidence-Based Nursing: 10 Ways to Practice Evidence-Based Staffing and Scheduling

    Author Susan M. Reese Chief Nurse Executive Kronos As we move from a standards approach to patient care to one based on quality and outcomes, so the need to identify and reassess processes and practices in patient care, is critical. Healthcare organisations need to look at re-evaluating and redesigning staffing and scheduling of the workforce,...

  • The Finnish Healthcare System

    The Finnish public administration system consists of three levels: state, province and municipality. The provinces are regional representatives of the central state administration. Finland is divided into five administrative provinces and the Åland Islands, the latter having autonomous status. Finland is divided into 415 self-governing municipalities...

  • The Finnish Association of Health and Economics

    When, why and how was the Finnish Association of Health and Economics founded? The Finnish Association of Hospital Economics (which became The Finnish Association of Health and Economics in 2010) was founded on the 9th of September 1928 in Helsinki, Finland. Jointly set up by the directors of administration and directors of...

  • Editorial

    ORGANISER UNE GESTION « GENERATIONFRIENDLY » DANS LES HÔPITAUX Alors que les autorités de contrôle alimentaire sont occupées dans toute l'Europe à poursuivre des chevaux déguisés en vaches, de nombreuses personnes sur notre continent luttent pour leur existence et se battent pour garder leur emploi. Le changement démographique dans la population en...

  • AEDH News

    LA GESTION D’UN HÔPITAL EN TEMPS DE CRISE : CONTRAINTES, DÉFIS ET OPPORTUNITÉS LE 24ÈME CONGRÈS DE L’AEDH SE TIENDRA À LUXEMBOURG DU 28 AU 30 NOVEMBRE 2013 Les défis et les contraintes en temps de crise Nos hôpitaux sont actuellement confrontés à de nombreux défis et contraintes. Depuis de nombreuses années, les budgets des hôpitaux sont en baisse...

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