• EAHM Collaborate to Develop International Leadership and Management Competencies

    Building on the WHO strategic objective to develop managerial competencies, the International Hospital Federation (IHF) proposed an international approach to developing core leadership and managerial competencies for healthcare managers, in partnership with the following organisations:   Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)...

  • The “Saint Jean Philosophy”

    Attractive to Patients and Staff Alike For more than 800 years, the Saint-Jean Clinic has provided care at the heart of Brussels, where it was the first private hospital. In our long history, we have prided ourselves in the ‘Saint-Jean Philosophy’ which characterises us; an all encompassing philosophy which is probably impossible...

  • The Francis Report:A Wake-Up Call For The UK NHS

    The final report of the public inquiry into care provided by the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust has sent shockwaves across the NHS in the United Kingdom. The implications of this report, which received significant media attention, are likely to have a profound effect on the healthcare sector in the UK and serve as a warning for hospitals...

  • A Multidisciplinary Approach to Financial Planning

    Clinical Aspects and IT Requirements Public health authorities face massive strain on their financial capacity and resources due to the explosion in the development of new medical technology, and the ageing population. New reforms in legal initiatives prompted a radical change of the market structures which are being replicated in...

  • New Ways of Optimising Imaging Services

    The Golden Rules of Cost Management Both managers in the medical imaging department (MID), as well as hospital managers, are seeking new ways to provide an optimised service within a climate of shrinking healthcare budgets, competition from private imaging centres, and increased demand for evidence based medical provision. In this article, I will...

  • The role of Management Development in the Irish Health Services

    Doing more with less is one of the great mantras of management. However, during this time of constrained resources, can service quality really be improved while cost savings are made? In the last two years, the Irish Health Service has demonstrated that it is possible and much of the progress can be attributed to better managers and to better management....

  • The Irish Healthcare System

    Like most European countries, Ireland, and consequently, its health service, is having to cope with an ageing population. Each year the total number of people over the age of 65 grows by around 20,000 persons. The Department of  Health predict that the population of over-65s will more than double over the next 30 years. This will have significant implications...

  • Editorial

    AUS VERSAGEN LERNEN Spektakulär war die Entschuldigung von David Cameron im britischen Parlament für Missstände, die laut Presseberichten, über Jahre im Hospital von Stafford geschehen konnten. Unserem Wissen nach wurde die schlechte Leistung eines Krankenhauses in der Wahrnehmung seines Versorgungsauftrages noch nie so Medienwirksam in einem europäischen...

  • EVKD News

    EAHM ZUSAMMENARBEIT ZUR ENTWICKLUNG INTERNATIONALER FÜHRUNGSSTÄRKE UND MANAGEMENT KOMPETENZEN Aufbauend auf der strategischen Schwerpunktsetzung der World Health Organisation (WHO) bezüglich der Entwicklung von Management-Kompetenzen schlug die Internationale Krankenhausvereinigung (International Hospital Federation IHF) in Zusammenarbeit mit den...

  • Executive Summaries

    Rollentausch des Krankenhauses Von Roland Ollivier, Emilie Hericher, Cedric Arcos Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts befanden sich Krankenhäuser in einer Übergangsphase zwischen dem stabilen Modell mit teilweise voraussehbaren Veränderungen und dem neuen Schema des Gesundheitswesens und Krankenhausmanagements, das wir heute kennen. Krankenhäuser entwickeln...

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