• Croatia

    Resolution Plan for e-Croatia Available 1.237 billions of kunas were allocated by the Croatian Government to the Operational Plan for implementation of the e-Croatia program. This program carries out all current IT projects in administration as well as the review of 130 related activities such as e-Index, free access to high-speed Internet in student...

  • Republic of Moldova

    National Survey for Health Information Systems Available Following publication in 2007 of ”The Evaluation of the Health Information Systems in the Republic of Moldova” , the Ministry of Health of the Republic has decided to push further the modernisation of the health information systems.   The above-mentioned study, from...

  • Health and Migration in the EU – Better Health for all in an Inclusive Society

    One of the main initiatives of the Portuguese EU Council Presidency in the field of Health was to organise a European Conference at Lisbon in late September on “Health and Migration in the EU - Better Health for All in an Inclusive Society”. Member States, national and international institutions as well as NGOs were invited to present strategies and...

  • Patient ID and Security Systems

    ECRI Institute Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] www.ecri.org.uk ECRI Institute, a nonprofit organisation, dedicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research...

  • Transiting Hospitals from Past to Future

    Author Rainer Harpf a H nd erwig Wetzlinger .   Like other countries in Europe, the Austrian hospital and healthcare system faces a period of rapid change, accompanied by a host of new and sometimes-unfamiliar challenges. Managers are being compelled to rethink strategy and policies as a result of changes in the healthcare...

  • Lizards, Dust and Vaccinations

    Author John Rigstad Director of Information Services, Medair.   ICT is vital to the success of disaster relief operations. However, its implementation is fraught with some unusual challenges, especially for Medair, one of the world’s handful of ISO 9001-certified humanitarian aid organisations.   Alongside the...

  • The Data Challenge for E-Health

    Author Patrice Blemont Questions about healthcare data access and sharing on the one side, and security and privacy on the other, are integral to debates about European e-Health.   In technical terms, there is also a need for data management, issues of data entry, access and storage, and this at a multitude of levels –...

  • Healthcare in Austria

    The roots of the Welfare State in Austria date back to the Middle Ages, in the shape of the Ausgedinge, a flat-rate income paid to free farmers in rural areas after they retired and transferred their holdings. Miners too had their own health insurance and pension scheme. Indeed, some believe that Austria’s mining law cooperatives are the world’s oldest...

  • IT and Austrian Healthcare

    Healthcare IT has an unusually high official profile in Austria. The Federation Board, which manages the Austrian social insurance system has four Advisory Committees. Three of these are typical in much of the EU – on work and accident insurance, on old age, and health insurance. But alongside, one committee is dedicated wholly to IT.  ...

  • Healthcare IT Policy in Austria

    Interview Stefan Sauermann   To obtain an overview of policymaker’s perspectives on healthcare and IT in Austria, HITM’s Catalina Ciolan interviewed Stefan Sauermann from the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna.   Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Sauermann lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna...

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