• Letter from the Executive Director,HITM

    Dear Reader, IT is a value-add engine to every economic sector. This is now accepted wisdom. Healthcare is no exception. Yet, healthcare IT has some special characteristics. It is more data rich and sensitive than most other economic segments. However, trends in healthcare IT spending have lagged those, for example, in banks – a sector to which...

  • European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM)

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe.   Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels,...

  • Austria

    Austrian Hospital to Implement Personnel Administration System   A personnel administration system has been implemented at Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien (AKH), Austria. AKH in Vienna is one of the country’s biggest hospitals with 2,100 beds and 9,000 staff, including around 1,500 doctors. The software package, called ‘on duty’, will be provided...

  • The World Health Care Congress Europe 2008, Berlin, Germany

    This year’s 4th session of the World Health Care Congress Europe opened its doors with an executive seminar on Innovative Care Management Services sponsored by Accenture. Dr. Thomas Zahn discussed the concept of ACMS as well as the results of their pilot in Germany and the implementation phase with Health Dialog/CNAMTS in France. During the three...

  • 2008 CIO Forum, Orlando, Florida

    Presented by CHIME (College of Healthcare Information Management Executives) and HIMSS (The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society), this year’s CIO Forum provided a breath of fresh air and a motivational mix of inspiration and strategy for over 100 attendants. The CIOs present at the Forum enjoyed the perspectives of four experts on...

  • Pressure for Progress

    On Lead Markets for E-Health In early 2008, the European Commission requested the strengthening of national co-operation on lead market opportunities for e-Health with the aim of improving the quality of health services and an increase in economic benefits. When talking about e-Health in this context, one should go back to the Aho Report on...

  • IT and the Intensive Care Units

    COMPUTER-SUPPORTED DECISION MAKING: AN EVALUATION   A hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) has several characteristics which make it favourable for extensive use of information technology. Firstly, it has an overwhelming amount of data, often leading to data-overload and loss of information. Secondly, intensive care medicine has a short diagnostic-therapeutic...

  • Mobile IT Solutions in Healthcare

    Gathering Speed, Slowly But Surely The promise of mobile solutions for healthcare has some parallels to the US Bill of Rights; its truths are self-evident. They are also the result of three convergent trends. The first is the explosion of hospital data. The second is the increasing requirement for specialist advice and care. Last but not least...

  • The Electronic Health Record

    If Electronic Health Record systems are to provide an effective contribution to healthcare across Europe, a set of benchmarks need to be set to ensure quality control and interoperability of systems. This article describes why EuroRec’s initiatives are important, considering the present trends where patients need to be put at the centre, clinicians...

  • The Minitel: France"s High-Tech Early Bird

    From the Eiffel Tower through the tail-free delta wing Mirage III fighter jet to the TGV supertrain, France has an enviable reputation for taking an iconoclastic, but surprisingly successful approach at the cutting-edge of high technology. Today, when the Internet becomes as commonplace as a dishwasher in Western households, it may be salutary to...

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