• Letter from Executive Director, HITM

    Dear Reader, In a modern business context, one of the most distinctive features of information technology is the fact that it can add efficiency and value across an entire swathe of processes and specific operational disciplines. Clinical workflow design is, in some senses, the keystone for the healthcare IT arch, and clinical information systems...

  • European Associations of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM)

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe. Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, HITM is committed to increasing the professional authority and responsibility...

  • The Netherlands

    Focus on the Patient   As of 2008, a total of 54 billion Euros will be available for healthcare in the Netherlands. Minister of Health Ab Klink argues that “ the keyword for the coming years is attention for the patient ” and together with State Secretary – Jet Bussemaker aims to focus on six themes : quality and innovation, prevention, safety,...

  • The World Health Care Congress Europe, 2008

    4th Edition, Berlin, 10/12 March 2008   Organised under the high patronage of the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry of Health and presented for the 4th consecutive year, the World Health Care Congress Europe is the only major international forum where over 600 health leaders share best practices and successful initiatives...

  • New Approach to Standardisation in the Internal Market

    When talking about the Single Market, it should be mentioned that the New Approach and European standardisation have contributed significantly to its development. The facilitation of free movement of goods (healthcare included) between Member States comes as a consequence of the success achieving by the European standardisation system in removing...

  • Status of the European Health Insurance Card

    The European Health Insurance Card came into being as a political project initiated by the European Commission with the support of the Barcelona European Council 2002. The main idea behind such a project was to replace all the paper forms needed at the time to obtain health care during a temporary stay in a Member State other than the one in which...

  • Healthcare and Big IT

    Healthcare has, in recent years, been at the front of a feverish pace of technological change. However, the bulk of such developments have been in the areas of patient therapy and care. Innovations in the area of IT systems have been less apparent.  And yet, it is IT which – at the moment, lurking just below the horizon – offers the greatest...

  • Electronic Health Record

    Author Tosh Sheshabalaya Hitm Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are digitised versions of patient health data, both historical and current. They include personal demographic information, data on vaccinations, prescribed medications, treatment histories and progress – alongside laboratory and radiology information, diagnostic photographs...

  • Remote Data Replication

    Making a Virtue of Necessity In the previous issue of Healthcare IT Management, we noticed the growing compulsions faced by hospital IT managers to ensure successful backups of their data – especially in the face of the expected acceleration in data creation as a result of modernisation and e-Health programmes. One strategic approach to the...

  • IT and Swiss Healthcare

    E-Health is rapidly emerging at centre-stage in Switzerland’s healthcare IT agenda. Last June, the Federal Council approved a National e-Health Strategy for the years 2007 to 2015. The strategy is based on a proposal from the Federal Office of Public Health, and follows extensive consultations with a range of concerned parties.   One...

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