• “Reaping the Benefits of EGovernment”

    To mark the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, the European Commission and the Government of Portugal jointly organised the fourth Ministerial eGovernment Conference on “Reaping the Benefits of eGovernment”.   The conference, held on 20-21 September, focused on four main ICT and Public Services related areas, namely: î...

  • The RFID Oppurtunity for Healthcare

    Author TCoatsahli nSah eCsihoalabnalaya,   RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) devices have been visibly gaining acceptance across a variety of industries, principally for supply chain management in fast-moving areas such as retailing.   As a relatively later entrant, the healthcare sector has benefited from more maturity...

  • Letter from the Executive Director, HITM

    Dear Reader, Isolated communities pose a special challenge for the European model – to provide access and deliver highquality healthcare to everybody, everywhere. Telemedicine already offers some solutions. As revealed by our Cover Story, the emerging e-Health wave promises far more.   e-Health projects such as the Baltic Health...

  • Med-e-Tel :

    The International Educational and Networking Forum for e-Health, Telemedicine and Health ICT The Luxexpo Exhibition and Congress Centre at Luxembourg was, once again, host to the 5th Med-e-Tel conference (April 18-20), which attracted more that 400 participants and 40 exhibitors. One of its most popular sessions - “Mobile e-Health Solutions”...

  • EHealth Conference 2007

    Berlin’s International Exhibition and Conference Centre (Messe Berlin) held a high level e-Health Conference as part of the e-Health Week (April 17-19).   A joint project of the European Commission, Germany’s Federal Health Ministry, the Berlin regional government and the Association for Social Security and Research (GVG), the conference...

  • e-Health and Isolated Communities

    Author HBreununnin-Sgc hmidt CIO of the Nordjylland Region, Denmark.   As the European Union continues to removes barriers between its Member States for the movement of goods and services, it is natural that healthcare delivery should also breach borders. e-Health today offers a boundless landscape of possibilities for...

  • Speech Recognition: Bauble or Key to Babel?

    One of the strongest facets of current hospital reforms is a growing drive to raise the efficiency of information gathering and sharing at the point-of-care. Speech-recognition technology is a good case in point. It is convenient for healthcare professionals, who have traditionally relied on jotting down notes or speaking into a cassette recorder; these...

  • Cross-Border e-Health

    Author EAlrlevne, KCahtrhisritninea Ean. Wd Canlasucsher DPeudeedraslen International Office of MedCom www.medcom.dk .   Point-to-point cross-border e-Health has been initiated and tested in the Baltic e-Health project, a project part financed by the European Union under the BSR INTERREG IIIB programme, and, so far,...

  • EHR: A Backgrounder

    The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is the centrepiece of efforts by regulators and industry to integrate healthcare IT/ information systems at both the national and international levels. Its overriding purpose is to improve the quality of patient care and reduce healthcare costs. Nevertheless, several barriers remain to be overcome before EHRs are...

  • Modernising St. Olav’s Hospital

    Author JRaønb erg-Larsen Senior Key Account Manager, Telenor Nordic.   In an ambitious two-phase project, the new 220,000 m2 St. Olav’s Hospital is being built on the site of the existing hospital near downtown Trondheim, Norway. Telenor was chosen as the main supplier of ICT infrastructure and integration services. The...

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