• Cross-Boarder Healthcare

    EU Drives For Common, Improved and Meaningful Standards Charter on Patient Rights On March 15, 2007, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on cross-border healthcare, insisting on the EU’s obligation to guarantee absolute protection of health and reinforce patients’ rights. Alongside, Parliament also noted the need to establish...

  • The European Investment Bank and Healthcare Funding

    With a balance sheet of 289 billion Euros at the end of 2006, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is no minnow. And yet, few outside the inner corridors of the EU and the world of Big Finance are aware of its reach, influence and impact.   The Luxembourg-based EIB was created by the EU’s founding Treaty of Rome in 1958. Its shareholders are...

  • The UK NHS IT Modernisation Programme

    Author DMre. lJicahna rK NHS Consultant.   The UK public healthcare IT programme [National Programme for IT (NPfIT)] is a classic example of a top-down grand plan for a public IT system that will not deliver but will cost up to £20 billion. This is due to the familiar inability of these 'grand projects' to actually involve those...

  • Reusing Clinical Information in EHR

    Author William Goossen Results4Care, Netherlands. [email protected]   Many countries currently develop their national strategic projects to achieve a safe and unified exchange of patient information in healthcare. Such developments and projects demand sector wide use of international standards. The challenge in such...

  • Healthcare in the Nordic Countries

    Health systems in the Nordic countries have a long heritage. They are principally financed by public funds or compulsory health insurance schemes. All countries, however, require co-payments by patients for hospital care and medicines.   The Nordic healthcare system is especially well-established with regard to primary and preventive healthcare....

  • Healthcare IT Policy in the Nordic Countries

    HITM: The Nordic Region is Seen to have Some of the Most Advanced Healthcare Systems in Europe. What do You Think are the Reasons for this ? Pentti Itkonen (PI): Nordic systems are taxation based, locally administrated and every citizen has equal access to services. The markets have only a little influence on the functions of health...

  • The European Associations of Healthcare IT Managers

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe.   Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, HITM is committed to increasing the professional authority...

  • Zorg and ICT Utrecht

    This year’s Zorg & ICT annual event was held in Jaarbeurs, Utrecht from March 14-16, and was attended by over 110 exhibitors and 6,200 visitors. Cure and care professionals from both large and small health care organisations, hospitals, the government, health insurers and media visited the event. This was an all time record for year-on-year growth...

  • Perspectives on Lab Automation:Past,Present and Future

    Author Greg Dummer is Executive Director of the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA). Dr. Sabeth Verpoorte is Program Chairman of the Scientific Committee at this year’s annual ALA conference.   HITM: Please Tell Us a Little Bit About the History and Membership Composition...

  • Daveloping Top Quality Teams to Modernise IT Systems

    The Case of Arras Hospital Author Arnaud Hansske , MD, is the CIO of Arras Hospital.   Pilot   Project to Learn the Contours of Change We started out with the belief that we had to take a long and sweeping rethink about how IT and new architecture could improve and optimise the organisation of a hospital...

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