• Mieux Soigner, Mieux Gerer, Mieux Decider with Hit Paris 2007

    France has witnessed a sea-change in awareness about healthcare IT, with two of three establishments saying they are “highly dependent” on information systems (against just one of five in 2005, according to CLUSIF - Club de la Sécurité de l'Information Français).   Such a transformation in perceptions was apparent at the Hit Paris Congress...

  • ITEG 2007

    As part of Berlin’s eHealth Week, ITeG 2007 (International Forum for Healthcare IT) was so far one of this year’s most prominent healthcare industry events (alongside Telemed, eHealth Conference 2007, KIS Conference and IHE Connectathon). In comparison with last year’s figures, ITeG 2007 saw exhibitor numbers rise from 273 to 288; however, visitors...

  • i2010- Underpinning Europe’s 21st Century Aspirations

    What is I2010 ? The European Union’s i2010 initiative aims at providing teeth for the digital economy of the future. Launched on June 1, 2005, i2010 is comprised of a framework of regulatory instruments, research programs and industry partnerships. Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner responsible for the Information Society and Media, explains both...

  • Speech Recognition Technology

    ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, dedicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research in healthcare to uncover the best approaches to improving patient care. As pioneers in this science for nearly 40 years, ECRI Institute marries experience and independence with the objectivity of evidence-based research.  ...

  • Challenges of Healthcare and Health ICT

    Author Kjell Borthne Chief Medical Officer of CARDIAC as.   Modern hospitals offer a wide variety of services within a broad field of clinical care, specialties and research, as well as medical support services. Diagnosis, treatment and care therefore, tend to consist of complex processes involving multiple individuals,...

  • Indian IT and Europe

    Offshore IT is principally about India. Indian IT firms pioneered the offshore IT delivery model – not the Americans, as is often assumed.   Secondly, for over 15 years, Indian IT has involved much more than low-end coding (or, for that matter, contact call centres, which account for barely 5% of Indian IT revenues). Indeed, by the mid-1990s,...

  • Intelligent Infrastructure Management at Belfast City Hospital

    Author Tony Stanley AMP NETCONNECT Business Unit, Tyco Electronics.   Most network issues have an impact on the efficiency of an organisation, but occasionally they can directly affect human lives. This was a key consideration in the planning of Belfast City Hospital’s new oncology building, a state of the art...

  • ISO/IEC 27799

    What’s In This Standard for Healthcare IT Managers ? Even as European healthcare IT professionals brace themselves to understand the shifting contours of the emerging e-Health wave and cope with its implications, regulatory developments in yet another sphere are appearing on the horizon.   The ISO (International Standards Organisation)/...

  • Outsourcing Management of ICT Infrastructure in Finland

    Author Simo Pietilä IT Manager, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa.   The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS) is a federation of municipalities established in the year 2000 in Finland’s southern coast. Its 1.5 million inhabitants are serviced by 21 hospitals, which employ close to 20,000 health...

  • IT and Nordic Healthcare

    Drivers of healthcare IT in the Nordic countries follow the general pattern in the OECD – in terms of the need for patient-centricity, service-orientation and cost-effectiveness.   All Nordic countries rank high in terms of e-Health readiness indicators, as well as healthcare and IT/Internet infrastructure. Indeed, the World Economic Forum’s...

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