• Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

    Author Catalina Ciolan is Project Director of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers in Brussels,  Belgium.   The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a process capability maturity model which helps in the definition and understanding of an organisation’s processes. Initially known as Humprey’s CMM (name given after...

  • Managing Change in Healthcare

    Nondelegable Role Author Chip Caldwell  is president of Chip Caldwell & Associates, and is the Northern Florida Regent of the American College of Healthcare Executives.   As a consultant and coach to senior leader teams, Black Belts, and physician leaders who are learning to use improvement approaches like lean and Six...

  • The Investment Dilemma

    Facing Hospitals Author Oliver Rong is Principal at the Competence Centre, “Pharmacy and Healthcare”, at Roland Berger Strategy,  Berlin, Germany   The current position in Germany The Hospital Financing Law, KHG, of 1972 provided that investment in German hospitals would be allocated from public moneys (Section...

  • Lativa

    New e-Health Programme to be Implemented A new Latvian e-Health programme, devised by the Ministry of Health, plans to devote over 40 million Euros to the development of e-Health applications over the next three years.   The objective of the programme is to ensure that all citizens and healthcare providers are able to obtain clear,...

  • Better Aging,Better Care-Exploring Solutions for an Aging Europe

    More than 100 participants from regions across Europe gathered at the joint workshop ” Better Aging, Better Care ” organised by Intel and AGE in Brussels in October 2007. The event was held during the European Week of Regions and Cities.   The debate focused on one of the most pressing issues of our time: how will we care for our aging population?...

  • E-Health Standards and Interoperability

    Under the auspices of Member of the European Parliament Milan Cabrnoch, MD, a Seminar on e-Health Standards and Interoperability was held on October 15 at the European Parliament, Brussels.   In his opening speech, Dr Cabrnoch stated that only efficient and interoperable e-Health tools and services could fulfill needs and demands of European citizens....

  • The 21st Century Digital Hospital

    Author Massimiliano Claps is Research Director, EMEA, for the Government and Health Insights practice at IDC. The Western Europe healthcare sector is dealing with different "inconvenient truths". The problem of skyrocketing costs is possibly one of the best known. However, other challenges too, loom...

  • The Broad Band Challenge for Isolated Communities

    Effective e-Health in isolated communities is clearly dependent on access to broadband infrastructure. Currently, terrestrial technologies like ADSL or cable modem are available for a significant number of Europeans, at competitive prices. But there are challenges. According to a European Space Agency study in December 2005, broadband...

  • Healthcare in Switzerland

    The healthcare system in Switzerland is a complex combination of public care, subsidised private and wholly privatised healthcare. The share of public spending, however, is one of Europe’s lowest – reflecting the fact that Swiss law earmarks the State’s role as a healthcare guarantor only when the private sector “fails to produce satisfactory results”....

  • Healthcare and IT policy in Switzerland

    Known for its intensely confederal system of politics and decision-making, Switzerland has nevertheless recently began to coordinate its e-Health initiatives on a national level. Alongside, it is also opening up to new European and international e-Health standards. To obtain an overview of policymaker’s perspectives on healthcare and IT in Switzerland, HITM’s...

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