• Letter from the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief, HITM

    Dear Reader, An HITM delegation recently returned from the EU’s eHealth 2008 Conference in Slovenia. As ever, the Slovenians surpassed themselves in their role as hosts. Back in Brussels, however, we cannot help some familiar morning-after blues. This is not because we yearn for the stunning seaside \ resort of Portoroz, where the Conference...

  • The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM)

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe. Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels,...

  • The Netherlands

    Hospitallbroeders to Deploy New CRM Saturn Corporation, a data base management specialist, has implemented its Eprísa customer relationship management (CRM) software, at the Dutch healthcare foundation, Hospitallbroeders. Eprisa enables users data on one screen and restricts data so the user only sees what they are entitled to.   John...

  • Portugal

    ICT to Aid Unemployed Portuguese Over 1,700 unemployed textile workers were offered intensive courses to get ICT skills. The original target was to readmit 10% of the trained people to the job market by 2009. Approaching the end of the three-year project, the organisers can hail a readmission rate of 40%. The success of the project, called TII...

  • Czech Republic

    First International Summer School for Biomedical Informatics The Center for Biomedical Informatics, Institute of Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague and the Czech National Group of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics are organising the 2008 International Summer School of Biomedical...

  • EHRs in the US

    The State of Development of Interoperable Health Records in the United States Author Jim Oakes   is a healthcare IT expert, and as a CIO,  has been involved in turnarounds at three US hospitals. Joan R. Duke   founded Health Care Information Consultants (HCIC) in 1990;...

  • IT in Clinical Trials

    An Academic Sponsor's Perspcetive Author Lucy H.H. Parker and Gary C. Roper are with Imperial College, London. The use of IT systems for clinical trial management in a non-commercial setting is a complex and contentious issue. The current drive for commercial sponsors to utilise electronic platforms for trial management...

  • E-Health with Citizens and with Choices

    Author Isabel Borges is Policy Officer, AGE, Brussels, Belgium . The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has great potential for helping older people and people with disabilities to continue to live at home, at work, and in the community. Technology can enable older people carry out daily activities...

  • Hospital Mergers and IT in the Czech Republic

    Author Martin Zeman is CIO,  Regional Health Corporation, Czech Republic. The accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union has entailed dramatic changes in its hospital structures and healthcare delivery policies. IT has been both a driver and a passenger in such a process....

  • Whither the AS/400?

    Author Tosh Sheshabalaya, It is a question on the minds of several healthcare IT managers, and their counterparts in other fields of business. What is the future of IBM's AS/400, a workhorse in hospitals and other enterprises across Europe? In spite of a blizzard of technology and marketing firsts, IBM itself seems to be seriously...

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