• Dark Fibre PC Network-Public Internet Access Points in 5 Hospital

    Author Jan Pejchal / ICT Manager,Masaryk Hospital in Usti nad Labem Regional Health Corp. Martin Zeman, Martin Hostas Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic [email protected]   Masaryk Hospital in Usti nad Labem Regional Health Corporation (“Krajska zdravotni, a.s.”) consists of 5 hospitals with a long tradition...

  • Florence,Clinical Information Integrated System and its Tool Florence Moblie

    Author Luis Barcia,  Miguel Ortiz Garcia,  Bernardo Vila Roig,  Alfonso Perez Cervello Torrevieja Salud ,  Spain, Microsoft The Torrevieja Hospital pursues a high efficiency management of its recourses, as well as the maximum level of services offered to its patients. And here “Florence” plays the key...

  • Telestroke Programme

    Author Oscar Ezinmo,  Carmen Jimenez / Servei de salut de les illes balears, Spain A stroke is an acute vascular event that is associated with bleeding into the brain or decreased blood flow part of the brain. Both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes may be treatable. Hemorrhagic strokes may be amenable to surgery (i.e. to...

  • Videoconferencing Application to Improve the Quality of Service Given to Cancer Patients

    Author Marc Monballieu,  Donald Claeys / AZ Maria Middelares, Belgium When a doctor diagnoses cancer, a “Multidisciplinary Oncological Consultation” is recommended and in some cases obligatory, in accordance with the oncological care programmes in Belgium. This entails a consultation between all the doctors concerned...

  • Lifetime Dental Cross

    Author Tatjana Dostalova,  Jana Zvarova,  Karel Zvara,  Michaela Seydlova,  Karel Chleborad,  Vaclav Kaspar / E uroMISE Centre, Prague,  Czech Republic; Department of Pediatric Stomatology, Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and University Hospital Motol; Department of Medical Informatics,...

  • Siemens

    Advia Central Link Networking Solution Recently launched by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Version 12 of the ADVIA Central Link Networking Solution provides a consolidated environment for the management of information, laboratory results, and workflow – both for automated and nonautomated customers. It facilitates communication between the laboratory...

  • Bulgaria

    Health eCard initiative Launch in Bulgaria The first electronic prescription in Bulgaria was issued and presented at an event presided over by the Bulgarian Minister of Health, Prof. Radoslav Gajdarski, and the Minister of Public Administration and Administrative Reform, Dr. Nikolay Vassilev. The online transaction officially launched the pilot...

  • 2008 New Summit-Towards Future Media Internet

    Organized by the NEM (Networked and Electronic Media) European Technology Platform under the aegis of the European Commission’s DG Information Socie ty and Media with the support of the French Ministry of Industry, the Région Bretagne, the Media & Networks cluster and the St Malo Agglomeration, the first edition of the NEM Summit “Towards Future Media...

  • Europe Launches its Health Data Exchange Pilot EPSOS

    EpSOS (Smart Open Services for European Patients), previously known as S.O.S. – “Smart Open Services - open eHealth initiative for a European large scale pilot of patient summary and electronic prescription” - is a Europe-wide project organized by 27 beneficiaries from twelve EU-Member States that includes ministries of health, national competence...

  • Cradiology and IT in the Context of IHE

    The Health Enterprise (IHE) Author Tim Becker and Rüdiger Simon are with the Department of Cardiology at the Uni - versity Hospital of Schles - wig-Holstein in Germany. Computer applications are indispensable tools in cardiology today for digital image acquisition, deployment and reviewing, and also...

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