• Integrating the Health Enterprise:The IHE Mission

    The fast-evolving field of e-Health standards is both a puzzle and a challenge to many healthcare IT managers. As the age of electronic health records (EHRs) approaches by the day, it is self-evident that optimal patient care will require care providers to create, access, update and use these records both efficiently and securely.  ...

  • The Word from the Oganisers

    On behalf of the Executive Committee and General Secretariat of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM), I would like to congratulate the winners of the IT @ Networking Awards 2009 ( IT @ 2009 ).   As an event which furthers our distinct mission of Unifying Healthcare IT across Europe by celebrating the pioneers...

  • IT@Networking Awards

    The goal: Giving the pioneers of healthcare IT the recognition they deserve and bringing their solutions to the pan-European stage. The IT @ Networking Awards 2009 was an opportunity to honour those who have designed outstanding healthcare IT solutions and also those with the foresight to implement them in their hospitals and healthcare facilities....

  • The IT@ Networking Awards was Supported by..............

    Hospital (E)Hospital is the world’s only hospital management publication in three languages: Published in English and executive summaries in French and German. With a distribution of over 19,000 copies and published bimonthly, (E)Hospital provides the key actors in healthcare management in Europe with the foremost, up-to-date information...

  • The IT@ Networking Awards was Possible Thanks to.........

    Established in 2004, the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is the largest representation body of CIOs and healthcare IT managers. HITM is a non-profit organisation outlined as the pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe. Believing in the fundamental importance...

  • An Interoperability Platform for Telemedicine Services in the Veneto Region

    Claudio Saccivini/Arsenal.IT, Italy Telemedicine applications in Veneto Region Health Service were in some cases fragmented and scarcely interoperable among the 23 Local Health Authorities (LHAs) spread over the regional territory. Arsenàl. IT, Veneto’s Research Centre for eHealth Innovation worked giving technical advice in the European Telemedicine...

  • Shared Web-Based Electronic Patient Record for Hospital,General Practitioner and Patient

    Author Peeter Ross,  Kelli Podoshvilev/ East Tallinn Central Hospital, Estonia Much attention has been paid to the development of the functionality and user friendliness of the electronic patient record (EPR) inside healthcare institutions. However, secure distribution of me - dical data outside the organisation still remains...

  • Paper Free Patient Care

    Author Raymond Rooijakkers / EMEA, Germany Like many hospitals, Ammerland- Klinik, located in Westerstede, Germany, has been moving toward implementing electronic medical records (EMR) for several years. In 1997, the 356-bed hospital opted for a hospital information system. In 2007, the decision was made to also upgrade the hospital’s...

  • Biofeedback and Virtual Reality: The INTREPID Project

    Author Alessandra Gorini,  Claudia Repetto,  Federica Pallavicini,  Giuseppe Riva/ Istituto Auxologico Italiano,  Milan, Italy;  Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,  Milan , Italy Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychiatric disorder characterised by a constant and unspecific anxiety that...

  • Senolog,an Innovative Medical Database on Mammographic Programme

    Author Aissa Khelifa,  Stephane Thiroux,  Jean-Philippe Masson Organisation(s): Health Management Solutions, France;  Observatoire de la Senologie, France; Federation Nationale Des Medecins Radiologues (fnmr) French regulations for breast cancer screening have allowed for the coexistence of both an organised...

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