• Letter from the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief, HITM

    Dear Readers,   Amidst what may be the greatest economic downturn since the 1930s, 2009 promises to be a memorable year. Opinions about the impact of the recession on the healthcare sector are mixed, but there seems to be a consensus that it will be less vulnerable than many others.   Meanwhile, the recent presidential elections...

  • The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM)

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe.   Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels,...

  • AGFA Healthcare

    AGFA Healthcare Signs Agreement With Government of Ontario, Canada Agfa HealthCare has recently signed an agreement with the government of Ontario, Canada, for a CAD$29.6 million grant to support the growth of the company’s Research, Development and Regional operation centres in Toronto and Waterloo. The objective is to streamline and centralise...

  • Catrene

    Catrene Launches New Call for Project Proposals The recent EUREKA programme CATRENE (Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics) has launched a call for project proposals. The programme is open to Europe’s high tech industry, small and medium sized enterprises, research institutes and academia.   CATRENE...

  • ICT Policy Support Programme

    Call for Proposals Under the ICT Policy Support Programme The European Commission's Directorate-General for Information Society and Media has launched a call for proposals under the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP). The ICT Policy Support Programme aims to stimulate innovation and competitiveness...

  • Germany

    Setbacks for German E-health Smartcard Due to problems encountered in the first seven pilot sites forGermany’s flagship national e-health smartcard programme, several key clinical components are currently being re-evaluated.   Gematik, the German national health IT organisation, announced that their new priority is electronic referral...

  • Robotics in Medicine and Healthcare

    The European Commission has recently funded an investigation into the potential of robotics entitled “Roadmap for the application of robotics in medicine and healthcare.”   Although still an emerging field, the use of robotics is expected to grow in importance with current demographic changes. This is likely to put pressure on the healthcare...

  • Assessing Progress Towards an Interoperable European E-Health Space

    Fostering the development and implementation of national eHealth policies and strategies has been a key goal of the European Union (EU) eHealth Action Plan of 2004. To review progress made and analyse the results so far obtained by EU Member States, the European Commission just before Christmas signed a contract with Bonn-based eHealth specialist...

  • Smart Cards and Healthcare:Learning from Europe

    Therese R. Revesz, Principal at Revesz International LLC, New York.   Having already proven themselves in Europe, smart cards hold immense promise for all segments of the US healthcare industry: insurers, public and private sector providers and patients. Convenient, portable, intelligent and secure, smart cards combine storage...

  • Remote Cards of Patient-The Personal Health Devices Standard-ISO/IEEE 11073-20601

    Malcolm Clarke is Senior Lecturer in telemedicine and eHealth Systems at Brunel University. He is former chairman of the American Telemedicine Association Special Inte r - est Group in Technology and is on CEN, HL7, IEEE and ISO committees working on standards for medical devices. With an...

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