• Letter from the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief,HITM

    Dear Reader, Like Project European Union, e-health is a multispeed, multi-layered and multi-directional creature – and differences sometimes seem to strongly outweigh commonalities. But like several optical illusions; it is important to step back a little to gain real perspective, and do this from time to time. Visions require reality checks....

  • E-Prescribing

    Author Michael Tan is a Project Manager at NICTIZ,  Netherlands As Europe moves from national healthcare IT programmes towards full-fledged e-Health services, many experts see e-Prescribing as a key foundational step. There is a strong business case, accompanied by equally strong perceptions, that improving...

  • The Data Challenge for Healthcare IT: Strategic vs.Tactical Information

    As hospital information systems become more and more complex, the need for effective and efficient information processing increases. A precondition for systematic information management is a Strategic Information Management plan (SIM plan).   Ulrike Mueller is with the Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics...

  • Electronic Patient Records in the Care Continuum

    Author David Kwo is Managing Director, Ubiquity Healthcare, UK Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is moving towards vertical integration of healthcare services as exemplified by the ‘Integrated Care Pilot Programme’ launched in October 2008. Vertical integration is where the full range of health providers...

  • LHDL: The Living Human Digital Library

    Sharing biomedical data in an easy, controlled, safe and financially viable way is no longer impossible thanks to the LHDL project. PhysiomeSpace service provides you with the possibility to import, store and organize your biomedical data in a digital format.   The Living Human Project (LHP) The goal of this initiative is to develop...

  • European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM)

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe.   Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, HITM is committed to increasing the professional authority...

  • TIETO and Intersystems

    Tieto and Intersystem Create Swedish National Electronic Health Record InterSystems has announced the initial stage of the Swedish National Patient Summary project. The first Electronic Health Record for Sweden has been launched, which is a vital part of the implementation programme of the National IT Strategy for the healthcare and welfare...

  • Jisa's Diskobolos 2009

    Diskobolos is an annual event organized by JISA, the Union of ICT Societies of Serbia. It aims to award the most qualitative breakthroughs in the application of information and communication technologies in the fields of healthcare, finance, administration, education, etc. This year the Diskobolos will take place on December 22, 2009 in Belgrade,...

  • E-Health 2009: Electronic Healthcare for the 21st Century

    The second international CST conference on electronic healthcare will be held September 23 - 25, 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey. The event offers the opportunity of bringing together experts from the industry field, global healthcare institutions and academics in order to share experience with world healthcare service providers and policy makers.  ...

  • ISCB 2009:30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostaticstics

    EuroMISE Centre, The European Centre for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology together with the Institute of Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Statistics and Epidemiology and Guarant International Ltd. are organising the 30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics....

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