• Healthcare Information Technology in Iberia

    Author Tosh Sheshabalaya, Portugal The hub of the healthcare IT system in Portugal is the Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde or ACSS - Central Administration of the Health System. It coordinates, supervises and manages the IT facilities, systems and equipment of the NHS. The ACSS also has responsibility for the definition of...

  • Challenges in the Design of Sensors for Telemedicine

    Author Marek Gawel , Development Director, Kuziemski.pl, Poland Sensors for portable telemedicine are a fast-growing market. They are changing the way in which health service providers interact with patients. Hardware devices, alongside software and communication systems, are enabling...

  • Strengthening Alliances for Medical Progress and Quality

    Author Manfred Beeres, German Medical Technology Association, Berlin In Germany healthcare spending in the medical technology sector amounts to more than 23 billion euros. The medical technology industry employs 170,000 people in more than 11,000 companies in the country. Outstanding Innovative Capability...

  • Commissioner Promises"Action and Delivery"for Research,Innovation and Science

    The European Commissioner designate for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, pledged to move research, innovation and science “to the heart of European policy” in a hearing at the European Parliament. Speaking to the European Parliament's committees on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and Culture and Education (CULT), the new...

  • Smart Personal Health:A European E-Health Project

    Smart Personal Health is a new European Initiative to promote awareness about issues and challenges related to personal health systems interoperability, from technical to organisational and legal aspects.   More and more devices and applications are coming onto the market. They are often recommended by doctors and health insurers to help...

  • Terso

    Terso Expands in European Market Terso has expanded operations to the European market with a new German-based facility.   Due to an increasing demand for the company’s radio frequency identification technology, Terso Solutions, Inc. Has set-up a new production facility in Mannheim, Germany. Terso’s RFID-enabled appliances that include refrigerators,...

  • Siemens,Microsoft

    Siemens Licenses Healthvault in Germany Siemens has announced that it will exclusively license Microsoft’s HealthVault in the German market.   The agreement between the two companies will allow German citizens to use of the personal application, HealthVault, which stores individual health information in an online account.  ...

  • HIT Paris 2010 "Better Care,Better Management,Better Decisions"

    HiT Paris, the European healthcare information technologies congress, was launched in 2007 on the initiative of the FHF (French Hospital Federation) to respond to the need of healthcare players for information and training on the modernisation and development of information systems.   After three successful years HIT Paris will take place...

  • HealthHINF 2010

    The third international conference on health informatics, HEALTHINF is part of BIOSTEC - The International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies.   The purpose of the International Conference on Health Informatics was to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the application of information...

  • Telehealth 2010

    Leading Trade Show for E-Health with Conference TeleHealth, part of the CeBIT line-up, once again confirmed its status as the leading international trade show for eHealth solutions. This year's TeleHealth was again dedicated to communicating the value of IT in day-to-day healthcare delivery, demonstrating how this technology can help doctors...

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