• Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

    Dear Readers, Healthcare IT, like other realms of IT and ‘technology’ in general, is driven by a culture of non-stop innovation. This is undoubtedly good. However, we must also ask ourselves: is innovation the only solution? Such a question is urgent, given the longrunning pressure on healthcare budgets, and the financial crisis, which has...

  • Portugal

    Access to Health Information and Care Expanded by Portuguese Health Helpline Saúde 24 (S24), a telephone based service offering clinical assessment, health advice and health information in Portugal, has gained the trust of the Portuguese people by significantly improving direct access to heathcare advice, and is planning further expansion....

  • The Netherlands/UK

    A group of top Dutch health professionals came to look at a Merseyside hospital's innovative IT solutions this week as part of an annual initiative to visit areas of health care excellence in Europe.   The group of 23 experts, drawn from hospitals across the Netherlands, visited Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to look...

  • Germany

    Scientists Find Brain Waves can Predict Epileptic Seizures Scientists from the Bernstein Center at the University in Freiburg in Germany have taken a step forward in the quest to predict epileptic seizures by monitoring the pre-seizure changes in sufferers' brains. The research study was funded in part by the EPILEPSIAE (Evolving platform for...

  • Results of the Monitoring National E-Health Strategies Study

    “Europe is leading the rest of the world in advancing towards modern eHealth infrastructures and implementations” was the conclusion of Dr. Karl Stroetmann of empirica Consultants at an eHealth Strategies Symposium in Brussels.   This is a field where Europe has achieved and even overachieved its Lisbon Strategy goals. Results of the Monitoring...

  • Healthcare and Robotics: Miles to Go Before it Sleeps

    Author: Tosh Sheshabalaya HIT In spite of a variety of implementations since the 1980s, the field of healthcare robotics remains experimental and largely nascent. However, the long-term promise that it holds is acknowledged to be immense. This means that not only researchers and healthcare practitioners, but policy makers,...

  • Midwives and Technology: The Case from New Zealand

    Authors: Dallas Knight University of Otago Sarah Stewart, Otago Polytechnic Dunedin, New Zealand Information and communication technologies (ICT) present midwives with new opportunities. This article reviews how New Zealand midwives currently use technology in their practice, and its implications – both for...

  • Can Barcodes Revitalize the NHS?

    Author Roger Lamb Healthcare Sector Manager, GS1 UK   Bar codes offer a way around two everyday challenges faced by healthcare professionals: medication errors and quicker access to patient data. In addition, they also provide a proven means for higher efficiency in running a hospital – in terms of stock control and asset tracking....

  • E-Health in Africa: Beyond the Hype

    Author Maurice Mars Professor and Head of Tele-Health, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa “E-Health has the potential to be of great benefit to Africa if it can be planned and implemented in an appropriate and sustainable manner.” Statements like this are heard at many...

  • IT @Networking Awards 2011

    25 projects from across Europe and beyond will compete in the IT @ Networking Awards 2011 on January 19 – 20 2011. This high-level competition will see candidates go through two rounds of presentations in an effort to persuade the expert audience and panel of judges why their solution deserves to win. If last year is anything to go by, attendees...

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