• Letter from the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief, (HITM)

    Dear Readers, On February 17, US President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Known by its acronym ARRA, the legal measure is one of the most ambitious commitments to healthcare IT anywhere, anytime.   Mr. Obama plans to pump-prime the US economy through investments in healthcare (alongside energy and...

  • Bulgaria Launches Electronic Health Records

    As the entry point for its first electronic health records, Bulgaria has launched a national health portal. The portal will provide state administration employees access to an electronic version of the paper-based Personal Ambulatory Book that is used to keep track of medical appointments.   The Electronic Personal Ambulatory book will give...

  • Croation Society for Medical Informatics Celebrates 20 Years of Activity

    The Croatian Society for Medical Informatics is celebrating 20 years of activity with a Medical Informatics Symposium 2009, which is due to be held on May 8-9 at the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek. Aimed at a wide range of experts in the field of healthcare and information technology, the symposium will be an opportunity to gather and exchange ideas...

  • Health2.0 Seminar in the Netherlands

    Nictiz, the National IT Institute for Healthcare in the Netherlands, organised a seminar on Health2.0 on February 12, 2009. The seminar promoted Health2.0 as a way to empower patients and emphasised the fact that the majority of patients research information on the Internet before visiting a physician.   Health2.0 applications allow cooperation...

  • HIMSS09

    The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's annual conference and Exhibition took place from April 4-8 at McCornick Place in Chicago.   The show enabled participants to make more than 1,000 connections with leaders, policy makers, vendors and peers, meet 900 companies demonstrating breakthrough solutions and receive...

  • National E-Health Strategies:EC-Fund Study Looks at Progress and Barriers

    A new study funded by the European Commission is assessing the progress made to date towards the realisation of European eHealth Action Plan goals. Good practices and lessons learned constitute the study’s key elements. The results will be fed into policy recommendations for further accelerating eHealth implementation.   The study has...

  • The Prague Declaration on E-Health

    The e-Health Conference 2009 in Prague (eHealth for Individuals, Society and Economy) has been followed by the recent of The Prague Declaration. This emphasises the progress already made in e-Health by both Member States and the European Union. It also notes that the benefits of e- Health for a safe and efficient health sector have long been recognised...

  • Healthcare IT Reforms in US

    Author Tosh Sheshabalaya, In spite of its acknowledged status as the hub of innovation and technology, the US has lagged many other industrialised countries in the area of healthcare IT. The new US President, Barack Obama, has made it a political priority to change this state of affairs, as we discussed in the previous issue...

  • E-Health Investments

    Author Alexander Dobrev, empirica Tom Jones, TanJent Consulting Karl A. Stroetmann, empirica The increase in demand for health services tends more and more often to outstrip the increase in supply. Ageing populations, increasing incidence of chronic diseases, and improvements in medical knowledge...

  • Predicting Patients Admission Rates

    Author Justin Boyle, is a Research Scientist with CSIRO Australia Evidence-based research demonstrates that overcrowding in emergency departments causes ambulance diversion, increased hospital lengths of stay, medical errors, increased patient mortality, financial losses to hospital and physician, and medical negligence...

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