• GE Healthcare

    Ge Healthcare to Acquire Agility Healthcare Solutions Agility’s AgileTrac technology provides the most comprehensive enterprise resource management, asset tracking, and clinical workflow solution in the healthcare industry. Agility offers a technology platform that provides enterprise visibility and management of patient flow, assets, beds and...


    Radcentre Launch in the Netherlands RadCentre radiology information system, a modern, scalable product designed for use in practices and hospitals, is going to be implemented shortly in the Netherlands. Rad Centre is already used by healthcare organizations in Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Hungary, Poland and Greece. Installations range from...

  • Switzerland

    Telemedmeeting 2008 The Fondation franco-suisse pour la Recherche et la Technologie is organizing the 2nd edition of the TelemedMeeting 2008, to take place on the 14th of Novembre in Genève-Archamps.   Organized under the form of workshops, Telemed- Meeting 2008 aims to gather players from different e-Health systems to exchange ideas...

  • UK

    Scottish Health System to Receive 1m £ to Secure USB ports. NHS boards across Scotland are to share GBP 1 million to help them improve their IT security, beginning with securing USB ports.The funding, from the Scottish Government’s e-Health budget, will be used to help boards comply with new government standards. The new rules on encrypting...

  • E-Health Congress-Be Ready to Engage in E-Health

    The object of the e-Health Congress is to stimulate innovation and cooperation among ICT- related actors and experts from the Belgian healthcare sector, in order to develop and supply pro ducts, service offerings and solutions to the healthcare sector in Belgium.   Organized as a service to the community of people and institutions involved...

  • Healthcare and the Financial Crisis

    As noted previously (page 19), healthcare is one of the only major sectors forecast to buck the major decline forecast in IT spending for 2009.   To get a bird’s eyeview of the impact of the current financial crisis, we selected the Top Four companies by US market capitalization in five key healthcare sub-sectors and assessed the 52 week...

  • The Electronic Health Record in Siberia

    Author Michael Weinhara, Hospital Economist and Team Leader. Serbia’s new EHR system went live a few months ago, marking a major milestone in its efforts to leapfrog interim solutions and access the benefits of e-Health in the shortest possible period of time. Overall, the Serbian EHR is both a national e-Health backbone...

  • The Computerization of Healthcare in Romania

    An Experiment in Progress Author Marius Stupu is IT Manager of SUUB, the University Hospital of Bucharest. An overview of changes in the hospital/healthcare IT system in Romania – long known for a traditionally high caliber of IT competencies - is provided below by the IT manager of one of the country’s leading...

  • IT and Medical Technology:Growing Convergence

    The Klinik am Eichert in Göppingen (Germany) Breaks New Ground Author Joachim Hiller and Timo Baumann are respectively Heads of the Biomedical Department and of the Department Service Centre IT and Org anisation at the Klinik am Eichert in Göppingen, Germany. Information technology and biomedical...

  • Healthcare in Eastern Europe

    A Multi-Speed, Multi-Dimensional Matrix of Change Though generally behind their counterparts in central Europe (the Country Focus in our previous issue), significant developments are also underway in the healthcare systems in eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine). As in central Europe, a major driver is the impact...

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