• Sectra

    Sectra to Provide Northern Ireland with Wide Radiology IT System Northern Ireland will implement an integrated solution for managing radiology information and images (RIS/PACS) provided by the Swedish IT and medical technology company Sectra through a ten-year agreement.   The solution will be used throughout the entire public healthcare system...

  • A@HTI

    The 1st Advances in eHealth and Telemedicine International Conference took place in Warsaw, Poland, during the autumn days of 2008. The conference was designed by and for an audience of international healthcare and ICT professionals that included: clinicians and health professionals, health information technology users and buyers, directors, managers...

  • Doing the Right Thing for the Wrong Reasons

    Author Robert H. Roswell is Professor of Medicine at the Oklahoma University Col lege of Medicine and a former Under  Secretary for Health, U.S. De partment of Veterans Affairs.   The need to reduce errors, increase economies of scale in a fragmented system, and derive efficiencies in the delivery of medical...

  • Healthcare IT System in Eastern Europe

    Serbia Serbia’s e-Health vision is part of the government’s September 2005 position paper: National Strategy for an Information Society in Serbia. This defines the main issue as “the implementation of an infrastructure to provide for medical care, disease prevention, and health education on-line.”   In general, the Strategy Paper...

  • Product Comparison for Nurse Call System

    ECRI Institute Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] www.ecri.org.uk   ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, de dicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific...

  • Letter from the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief, HITM

    Dear Reader, Across the IT world, the debate about the pros and cons of the so-called twin pillars of enterprise software, JEE and .Net, has raged since the beginning of their existence. Such a question has not left the healthcare space untouched. Experts from Finland, however, make a compelling case in this issue’s cover story about the growing...

  • Lithuania

    The project “eHealth services” introduced to the Lithuanian medical community   The leaders of the project “eHealth services” organised five topical meetings with physicians and employees of healthcare institutions in the three largest cities of Lithuania. Key strategies and plans for creating the united national eHealth system as well as...

  • The Netherlands

    Progress with the Dutch Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Data shows that so far sixty five doctors have been connected to the EPR infrastructure while by the end of the year, this number is expected to increase to 200.   The EPR in the Netherlands is a virtual EPR in the sense that the medical data will remain physically where...

  • MIS Dashboards:Buy or Built

    Author Christopher Bain is Healthcare Management Informatician, WCMICS, Melbourne, Australia (www.health-mic.org) The growing trend in Europe (and much of the world) to corporatise hospitals and set performance targets has been accompanied by an escalation in management information requirements. One answer to...

  • Healthcare in Central Europe:Transiting to Catch-Up

    In spite of such positive developments, considerable work still remains to be done. The systems predating EU accession were characterized by significant inefficiencies, with gaps in areas like primary care accompanied by over-supply in others (not least, in terms of specialist physicians, hospital beds and staff).   Meanwhile, the growth...

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