• Philips

    Alliance between Philips,Maastricht UMC+ and University Clinic Aachen The Maastricht University Medical Centre (UMC+), Unir Aachen (UKA) and Royal Philips Electronics N.V. announced that they are to set up a strategic partnership, the aim of which is to pool their knowledge, expertise and experience in the field of healthcare. The...

  • Siemens

    Airedale hospital to pilot Siemens RFID Airedale NHS Trust will be piloting the new Radio Frequency Identification technology from Siemens Healthcare to track 100 intravenous pumps across the trust, over 30 days.   Both Siemens and Airedalewill for the first time use RFID technology to track assets across various buildings...

  • HIT@Healthcare-A Unique Joint Care

    The European Association of Healthcare IT managers (HITM) invites you in the month of October to HIT@HealthCare, Health Information Technology Conference & Exhibition.   According to the organisers, for the first time in the healthcare history of Belgium and the Netherlands, four e-Health professional associations have decided to join forces...

  • ConhIT 2008, Berlin,Germany

    ConhIT – connecting healthcare IT has been widely hailed as a successful debut event. 144 companies, including the industry’s market leaders, exhibited their products over an area covering 8,500 m2 in the display halls of the Berlin Exhibition Grounds.   The organisers had realised a new concept for Germany, with a professional programme...

  • Home Healthcare for the Aged and IT

    Homecare and Information Technology Author Vivian Vimarlund is Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Predictions that information technology would become a critical element in the elderly health and homecare setting of the future have proven to...

  • The Evolving Role of the CMIO

    Author Prof. Antoine Geissbuhler is CMIO, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland. Healthcare informatics lies at the hub of two forceful, fast evolving trends. The first is the IT industry’s own drive to provide systems developed for the very specific needs of healthcare providers – ranging from pharmacies and specialised...

  • GPs and IT

    Author Chris O’Riordan  is Head of the Centre for Management Research in Healthcare and Healthcare economics, Waterford Institute of Technology, and Mark Rowe  is Managing Director, Rowe Creavin Practice, Waterford.   If those of us of a certain age (in other words, no longer in...

  • The Healthcare System in Ireland

    In spite of some persistent concerns, Ireland’s healthcare system has been bracing itself for meeting challenges in the years ahead. The country has a mixed public and private healthcare system. These have been subject to considerable reforms in the past two decades. Yet, there is considerable anecdotal and statistical evidence that healthcare delivery...

  • IT and the Irish Healthcare System

    Information technology has a major role in terms of meeting the objectives of Ireland’s 10- year Health Strategy 2001 Plan. The Plan consists of three pillars: Setting the Scene, Improving the System, and Implementing Change. Explicit IT-related elements are concentrated in the second, on determining ways and means to improve the healthcare system....

  • Picture Archiving and Communication Systems(PACS)

    ECRI Institute Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] www.ecri.org.uk   ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, dedicates itself to bringing the discipline...

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