HealthManagement, Volume 3 / Issue 5 / 2008

Organized by the NEM (Networked and Electronic Media) European Technology Platform under the aegis of the European Commission’s DG Information Socie ty and Media with the support of the French Ministry of Industry, the Région Bretagne, the Media & Networks cluster and the St Malo Agglomeration, the first edition of the NEM Summit “Towards Future Media Internet” represented a major conference and exhibition devoted to the field of NEM and ICT at large.


In its first year, the Summit featured over 50 exhibitors throughout Europe, including 18 European projects, 65 speakers and chair men, and gathered over 400 delegates willing to benefit from a unique opportunity to network and share information and viewpoints on R&D status and perspectives in this area, identify future trends, discuss and identify opportunities for research collaboration (including under the ICT Theme of the FP7). The conference namely addressed topics related to:


Ó Electronic Media Content

Ó Distributed Media Applications

Ó New Media Delivery Networks and Network Services

Ó User Devices and Terminals

Ó NEM Enabling Technologies


The conference started with an “opening session” chaired by Jean-Dominique Meunier (Executive Director of NEM), and a video message from Viviane Reding (Commissioner for Information Society and Media, European Commission) rounded up the opening session.


Throughout the 3-day Summit, and in addition to the parallel technical sessions, the conference featured 4 keynote speeches:


Ó Joao Da Silva (Director of Directorate D “Converged Networks & Services” of the EC’s DG Information Society and Media), who shared the European Commission’s view on Media and the Internet at the Crossroads

Ó Matteo Maggiore (Controller EU and International Policy, BBC), who presented his view related to Content Providers and the Networks

Ó Kazumasa Enami (Director General of NICT), who introduced his paper entitled Research Activities on Ultra-Realistic Communications in Japan

Ó Luis Rodriguez-Rosello (Head of Unit Networked Audiovisual Systems of the EC’s DG Information Society and Media), who gave an insight to the audience about the upcoming FP7 Calls in the NEM area.


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