• Diagnostic imaging in sports medicine

    Radiologists collaborate with sports physicians for optimal performance How diagnostic imaging can be used in sports medicine and how different techniques can be used to assess muscle injuries. Diagnostic imaging in sports medicine As muscle injuries represent more than thirty percent of sports injuries, with great implications for professional...

  • Point-of-care ultrasound scanners: key purchasing considerations

    Point-of-care (POC) ultrasound refers to ultrasound exams performed by the treating clinician and other non-imaging-specialist healthcare professionals. While many types of ultrasound scanners can be purchased for POC exams—including a full-featured cart-based system costing more than $100,000—several vendors now market scanners that are specifically...

  • Electronic clinical handover: a simple solution to a complex problem

    A simple solution to a complex problem.  Implementing electronic clinical handover in a hospital for better patient safety Clinical handover: defining the problem Clinical handover is defined as inter-clinician communication occurring at care interfaces. This usually refers to changes of shift within a clinical team. In essence, clinical...

  • Smart contracts in healthcare

    Looking at the future of Smart Contracts in healthcar e.   Could Smart Contract-enabled blockchains help protect patient data while also promoting watertight agreements in healthcare?   H o w Blockchain and Smart Contracts will impact the funding of research and innovation in healthcare   D e...

  • Virtual reality clinic: a case study

    The growing role of VR in healthcare. How has VR developed and what potential does it have for future healthcare? In the 1990s, there were no resources dedicated to virtual reality (VR) and behavioural healthcare - no journals, no clinics, no conferences, no training programmes and only few advanced technologies. Today, we find ourselves...

  • Leading the way in patient healthcare portals

    Th e r e i s n o “ o n e - s i z e - f i t s - a l l ” a p p r o a c h t o p a t i e n t po r t a l s. With the Eu r opean Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 f or wide digital health imple mentation...

  • Let's change before we have to

      The rac e is on to implement technology effectively for improved liaising and better health outcome s.   Health technology can change healthcare but only with implementation of basics such as collaboration, communication and easy exchange, combined with transformation of some traditional workflows.   AirBNB, TripAdvisor,...

  • The lab of the future

    T echnology i s changing the face of medical laboratory operatio n.   As healthcare technology advances, medical laboratories need to keep ahead of the curve on trends for optimal operation and interoperability. HealthManagement.org looks at key areas where changes are happening at full tilt.   Point-of-care testing for lab...

  • The challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s radiologist

    Radiology facing its future head on. An overview of how smart  tools such as artificial intelligence should perhaps  not be feared, but rather accepted and embraced. The future of radiology is indeed a hot topic in healthcare today. The role that smart technologies such as...

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