• The ripple effect: sustainability in healthcare

    How ‘corporate responsibility’ is impacting on healthcare Developed by Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT) Care Without Carbon (CWC) is an award-winning healthcare sustainability model, which has impacted positively on reputation. Sustainability in healthcare “Sustainability” is a phrase that’s used a lot in the National Health Service...

  • Point-of-care ultrasound scanners: key purchasing considerations

    Point-of-care (POC) ultrasound refers to ultrasound exams performed by the treating clinician and other non-imaging-specialist healthcare professionals. While many types of ultrasound scanners can be purchased for POC exams—including a full-featured cart-based system costing more than $100,000—several vendors now market scanners that are specifically...

  • Electronic clinical handover: a simple solution to a complex problem

    A simple solution to a complex problem.  Implementing electronic clinical handover in a hospital for better patient safety Clinical handover: defining the problem Clinical handover is defined as inter-clinician communication occurring at care interfaces. This usually refers to changes of shift within a clinical team. In essence, clinical...

  • Enhancing the patient experience with video information

    Modern-day devices to help the modern-day patient. How the use of video information and modern-day devices can help with patients who are dealing with anxiety in anticipation of radiology testing and treatment. In December 2015, Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s imaging services department was selected and honoured as one of seven grant recipients by...

  • Health spending in Greece under restraint measures

    Way forward for sustainability of healthcare sector. Healthcare in Greece is facing a crisis. How does health spending compare with other European Union countries and what is the way forward for a sustainable future? Current situation Across the Eurozone, there is a need to reduce fiscal debts and deficits, and therefore to reduce annual public...

  • Hugo Saner

    Top Quote from Blog How does a local heart foundation benefit research and public health? “ With a local heart foundation we saw that—when local cardiologists are actively involved on the board of such a foundation—we can have further impact on cardiovascular health in the region.” See more at: https://iii.hm/h59

  • Karl Brauner

    Top Quote from Blog Sustainable access to affordable medicines: how can the multilateral trading system contribute? “Trade is not just an economic activity. it is how many countries obtain access to the funda- mental needs of human life and wellbeing, notably essential medicines. no country can realistically aspire to be fully...

  • Arnaud Hansske

    Top Quote from Blog Reflections on smart data healthcare future “ The mass of information that is not completely organised today will inevitably become so and open up new possibilities from the simple disappearance of paper giving way to new concepts and adding value to information - if it is well organised, used, interpreted.”...

  • Lukas Lambert

    Top Quote from Blog Appropriate utilisation of imaging and defensive medicine - where do we stand? “Broadly speaking, more examinations are performed which, instead, potentially harm the patients, decreasing the benefit-to-risk ratio of our diagnostic test. The overuse of CT has other implications as well, including radiation exposure,...

  • Happy staff, safe patients

    An interview with Dr. Umesh Prabhu.  Leading NHS medical director, Dr. Umesh Prabhu on what a hospital can do to improve patient safety – yesterday. Patient safety is a critical area of focus for all healthcare institutions, requiring involvement from all levels, from the board to individual staff members on the frontline, Dr Umesh Prabhu,...

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