• Virtual reality clinic: a case study

    The growing role of VR in healthcare. How has VR developed and what potential does it have for future healthcare? In the 1990s, there were no resources dedicated to virtual reality (VR) and behavioural healthcare - no journals, no clinics, no conferences, no training programmes and only few advanced technologies. Today, we find ourselves...

  • Let's change before we have to

      The rac e is on to implement technology effectively for improved liaising and better health outcome s.   Health technology can change healthcare but only with implementation of basics such as collaboration, communication and easy exchange, combined with transformation of some traditional workflows.   AirBNB, TripAdvisor,...

  • Machine learning detecting early brain tumour presence

    M a c hi ne l ea r n i n g a l g o r i t h m s i n br a i n t u mo u r i d e n t i f i c a t i o n.   H o w machine learning is being utilised to cha r ac t erise agg r essive gliomas in a scalabl e analysis...

  • Are rankings the best way to determine healthcare systems?

    Uncovering the truth behind healthcare rankings. World healthcare rankings have been published since 2000 but have they made any difference? This article reviews the literature available and focuses on the media’s attention to the latest rankings issued in 2017. When it comes to healthcare, we just adore and perhaps relate easily to league...

  • Amit N. Thakker

    Top Quote from Blog: Healthcare Revolution in Africa through Public-Private Partnerships. " A successful investment is not defined solely by financial input, but also by additional critical factors such as collaborations, robust frameworks and policies, scalable economies, targeted opportunities for development, and effective resources, that...

  • Angela Maas

    Top Quote from Blog: Why I'm a Cardiofeminist . "In the Netherlands around 75% of medical students are women, but what we hear from the female students here and in other countries is that the atmosphere that cardiology departments have, the macho behaviour that is still hanging around, means that they don’t want to work there for the rest of their...

  • A transformation in mammography

      M ore comfort and increased confidence from 3Dimensions ™ Following robust research from Hologic regarding its newly launched 3Dimensions™ mammography system, I was thrilled that our radiology department at Fatebenefratelli and Ophthalmic Hospital in Milan had the opportunity to implement the new system, and what a positive response...

  • Harnessing the power of connected care and telehealth

      M ajor congress focuses o n telehealth development s.   Connected care and telehealth are playing a key role in the rapidly changing healthcare sector, but should be handled with care when implementing.   The healthcare sector is one that is constantly and rapidly changing. Chronic disorders and complex disabilities are becoming...

  • Our top 10 Twitter followers

    A r o u n d - u p o f o u r m o st c o ll a bo r a t i v e , i m p r es s i v e  f o l l o w e r s.   HealthManagement.o r g is p r oud to hold such   a la r ge number of f oll o we r s on Twit t er. F...

  • Utility of artificial intelligence in cardiology

    A step forward for daily practice. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are proving their utility in the evolving field of cardiology. However, it's necessary that cardiologists understand their full potential in order to use them efficiently in the near future. Decision making in medicine Nowadays, the decision-making process in medicine is a...

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