• Physiotherapy in the ICU e-learning programme

    Development and evaluation of a module as part of an undergraduate international honours degree programme Preparing undergraduate students for the complex and daunting environment of the intensive care unit (ICU) is difficult for most undergraduate programmes. The European School of Physiotherapy, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, offers...

  • Benefits of CRM education and simulation in intensive care and emergency medicine

    First developed in aviation, CRM education facilitates prevention of accidents in medicine. Beyond the improvement of technical skills, the simulation can provide to learners the capacity to work with other team members, to pay attention to the work environment and to manage physiological or psychological constraints in critical situations.  ...

  • New member welcomed to Editorial Board

    ICU Management and Practice Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jean-Louis Vincent is delighted to announce that Dr. Francesca Rubulotta has joined the Editorial Board. Dr. Rubulotta is Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Imperial College, Charing Cross and St Mary’s Hospital, NHS Trust London, UK. She qualified...

  • Is there a ‘weekend effect’ for ICU mortality?

    The risk of dying in the intensive care unit (ICU) is higher for patients admitted at the weekend compared to those admitted on a weekday, according to a retrospective study of registry data from Austria published in Critical Care (Zajic et al. 2017). However, the risk of dying in the ICU on a weekend was found to be lower than on a weekday, highlighting...

  • Study: AKI alerts associated with lower mortality, LOS

    A clinical decision support system (CDSS) that monitors blood creatinine levels in hospitalised patients to alert physicians to potential acute kidney injury (AKI) was associated with a small but significant reduction in mortality and hospital length of stay (LOS), according to research from the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC published in the Journal...

  • Sepsis code implementation at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital: rapid diagnostics key to success

    Implementation of a sepsis code, Código Sepsis, in October 2015 at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona has led to better detection and a significant reduction in mortality. The hospital is the largest in Barcelona, with more than 1,100 beds and 7,000 employees. The objectives of Código Sepsis are to increase suspicion of sepsis and...

  • Molecular diagnostics in severe respiratory virus infection

    Recent trends in virus detection assays and host response biomarkers This article provides an overview of the recent advances in molecular testing for patients with suspected respiratory tract infection.   Respiratory tract infections are common reasons for admission to intensive care units. For decades conventional culture techniques were...

  • Integration of nurse practitioners into the critical care team

    A viable approach to meet pressing challenges As the demands of critical care medicine increase one viable option to meet needs is the addition of a nurse practitioner to the traditional structure of the critical care team. The purpose of this article is to convey our positive experience of physician and nurse practitioner integration...

  • Supply purchasing for intensive care centres

    A purchasing portfolio for more effective and efficient (medical) supply purchasing This design study aims to develop a purchasing portfolio for a university hospital intensive care centre that enables the user to make strategic decisions about how to allocate scarce resources wisely across different purchase categories.   There is...

  • Reducing avoidable harm and death from sepsis and acute kidney injury

    Achieving large-scale behaviour change with the NHS Wales programme In 2016 NHS Wales received the Global Sepsis Award, recognising the work throughout the healthcare system on improving identification and treatment of sepsis, which has coincided with an apparent reduction in mortality and ICU admissions for patients with two International...

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