• Leading the way in patient healthcare portals

    Th e r e i s n o “ o n e - s i z e - f i t s - a l l ” a p p r o a c h t o p a t i e n t po r t a l s. With the Eu r opean Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 f or wide digital health imple mentation...

  • The future of augmented reality in healthcare

    S m a r t t e c h n o l o g i e s s h a p i ng t he f u t u r e.   An overview   and   look to the futu r e of h o w augmen t ed r eality   (AR) is being   wide ly adop t ed in the healthca r...

  • The challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s radiologist

    Radiology facing its future head on. An overview of how smart  tools such as artificial intelligence should perhaps  not be feared, but rather accepted and embraced. The future of radiology is indeed a hot topic in healthcare today. The role that smart technologies such as...

  • 3D printing at the Jacobs Institute: an update

      At t he forefront of neurovascular and cardiac surgical modellin g.   How one healthcare innovation centre is making great strides with neurovascular and cardiac 3D printing  for better, more economical care. The autumn 2016 issue of HealthManagement.org showcased the ways that the Jacobs Institute (JI), a non-profit medical device...

  • Award-winning new doctors’ assistants freeing time in acute NHS hospitals

      Pilot reduces doctor overtime and improves efficiency.   Developing staff as Doctors' Assistants from HealthCare Assistants in acute National Health Service (NHS) hospitals is safe, efficient, high value and improves patient care.   There is a crisis in the UK NHS, with reductions in doctors’ working hours and a relentless increase...

  • Are rankings the best way to determine healthcare systems?

    Uncovering the truth behind healthcare rankings. World healthcare rankings have been published since 2000 but have they made any difference? This article reviews the literature available and focuses on the media’s attention to the latest rankings issued in 2017. When it comes to healthcare, we just adore and perhaps relate easily to league...

  • Amit N. Thakker

    Top Quote from Blog: Healthcare Revolution in Africa through Public-Private Partnerships. " A successful investment is not defined solely by financial input, but also by additional critical factors such as collaborations, robust frameworks and policies, scalable economies, targeted opportunities for development, and effective resources, that...

  • A transformation in mammography

      M ore comfort and increased confidence from 3Dimensions ™ Following robust research from Hologic regarding its newly launched 3Dimensions™ mammography system, I was thrilled that our radiology department at Fatebenefratelli and Ophthalmic Hospital in Milan had the opportunity to implement the new system, and what a positive response...

  • Top Healthcare Trends 2018

    W h a t d o h e a l t h c a r e l e a d e r s s ee   a h e a d ? HealthManagement.o r g spo k e   to healthca r e leade r s on the   futu r e of the   sector . The consensus is Artificial In t elligen c e (AI),...

  • Women in radiology

    The American experience and perspective P r ofessor S t ephen Ba k e r gives an overview of w omen’s pla c e in r adiology and h o w times a r e  changing. When I write this, and no doubt months later if and when you read...

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