• Strategic product approval for health companies and regulators

    Streamlining regulation for better healthcare outcomes Rationalising product registration approval by health companies and government regulatory agencies to facilitate improved disease diagnosis and care of patients by healthcare practitioners.   In every aspect of life, being strategic is very important. This is a common word used mainly...

  • Does radiology have a bright future?

    Do AI and machine learning herald the end of radiology?   I could answer in one word: Yes. But HealthManagement has given me 700 and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to expand my hypothesis.   I might as well start with the “elephant in the room”. How many radiologists cringed when they read President Obama’s assertion that “radiologists...

  • Fostering clinical research in imaging departments

    Discusses the important roles of radiographers in imaging research, and highlights some essential considerations for establishing a research culture, and fostering clinical research.   The invitation to write this article followed my participation in a very interesting session at this year’s European Congress of Radiology (ECR). This session...

  • EIBIR's role in imaging research projects: how to turn your project idea into reality

    The European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research, EIBIR, supports researchers and industry partners in the coordination of biomedical imaging research throughout Europe and beyond, relieving researchers of the administrative burden, and allowing them to focus on the scientific aspects, ensuring the best possible outcome for the project....

  • Clinical audit: the pilot Eurosafe Imaging Star project

    Lessons learned from using the European Society of Radiology clinical audit templates in a pilot project at Coimbra Hospital and Universitary Centre (CHUC) together with Coimbra Health School in Portugal.   The EuroSafe Imaging initiative (eurosafeimaging.org) focuses on promoting appropriateness in medical imaging, maintaining doses within diagnostic...

  • Fibre-based soft tissue reconstruction

    Solutions for challenging reconstruction of subcutaneous adipose tissue Induction of blood vessel formation and adipogenic differentiation of fibre-bound human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for soft tissue reconstruction.   The reconstruction of subcutaneous adipose tissue still represents a large challenge in plastic surgery. For a...

  • Game-changing skin-like electronics for stroke patients

    Enabling continual monitoring and personalised care  An innovative new wearable for the throat could mean a turning point for care of stroke patients.   Developments in skin-close wearable electronics are presenting healthcare with a breadth of new devices that can enable continued monitoring outside the hospital or rehab clinic, presenting...

  • AI and healthcare technology in India: opportunities, challenges, and emerging trends

    This piece describes the unique opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health technology in India, describes some success stories, and brings up some current trends.   With its vast inequalities in healthcare distribution, glaring lack of trained healthcare clinicians and infrastructure, and low government spending...

  • Anne O’Hanlon

    Solution Consulting Director - Orion Health Emea TOP QUOTE FROM BLOG: Advances for information exchange between healthcare organisations  “MESH is strategically important for the NHS in England. It gives organisations a common way to securely communicate with each other electronically across many different...

  • Mathias Goyen

    Professor Of Diagnostic Radiology - Hamburg University; Chief Medical Officer - Oncology - Ge Healthcare TOP QUOTE FROM BLOG: Predictive maintenance in healthcare - If you can predict it, you can prevent it “The key advantages of predictive maintenance are that it can allow timely and convenient scheduling of corrective...

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