• Healthcare demands are growing and evolving - so must we

    Healthcare companies must evolve to help providers face the challenge of an ageing and growing population suffering from the increased incidence and diversity of chronic disease.   We are experiencing a paradigm shift in the demand and definition for value-based healthcare, and it is no secret that this has resulted from the daunting task that...

  • Affidea grows in Portugal and expands into teleradiology

    Affidea Group is a leading healthcare services provider with over 7500 professionals performing almost 13 million examinations each year. Affidea is recognised for its superior medical technology platform, scale efficiencies, internationally awarded medical excellence and its continued expansion into new ways to create value as an integrator provider...

  • Distributing a life source in Africa

    Lifebank has developed crucial infrastructure in Nigeria, enabling the efficient transportation and storage of blood, saving thousands of lives. HealthManagement editor Marianna Keen spoke to CEO and founder Temie Giwa-Tubosun about her journey.   To what degree has the blood shortage in Nigeria been tackled so far, due to the work of LifeBank?...

  • Lessons for healthcare from emerging markets

    Can the vision of emerging markets transfer to developed countries for better healthcare?   From the mobile banking revolution and use of healthcare drones in Africa to production-line surgery in India, emerging markets embrace tech innovation with speed and boldness that developed markets only dream of. The reasons are many including a lack...

  • Alliar: Innovations for a country of continental dimensions

    Alliar’s innovative business model and IT systems mean that patients in remote locations have access to standardised, high-quality exams in any of its patient centres across Brazil.   Intro: Parauapebas   Parauapebas is a small town located in north Brazil, next to the Amazon rainforest. It sits 2,000 km away from São Paulo, the country’s...

  • Financing micro health insurance: theory, methods and evidence

    A look at innovations in harnessing voluntary and contributory micro health insurance to finance universal health coverage in the informal sector. Everybody spends money on healthcare; some people pay negligible amounts, and others pay exorbitant and impoverishing sums. In a perfect world, everyone should have protection against the excessive...

  • Integrated, risk-based care for South Africa: Intercare Group focuses on value and innovation

    Primary care and wellness centres, dedicated units for sub-acute care and rehabilitation, as well as ambulatory day surgery centres, are key components of the Intercare Group’s healthcare model in South Africa.   The patient-centred organisation structures its services around the health status and needs of a patient and not merely the traditional...

  • Managed equipment services can be boon for emerging market health

    Solving the waste issue of unused equipment in African hospitals Managed Equipment Services (MES) is an innovative way of tackling the problem of wasted medical equipment stock in sub-Saharan Africa. In healthcare, the private sector is increasingly working with governments to address the needs of health systems. This collaboration...

  • Africa leading way in healthcare tech: the continent is ahead of the game in cutting-edge drone use

    The African healthcare context is uniquely placed to adopt and benefit from drone technology.   In the past decade, the possible use of drone technology in various sectors of the economy has become increasingly likely. As with most new technologies, drones are seen as a double-edged sword. Their most high-profile use has been in a military context, which...

  • Ayushman Bharat - India's National Health Protection Mission

    Effective implementation of Ayushman Bharat - India’s National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) will largely depend on ensuring that the package of services prioritised under the National Health Protection Scheme is based on community needs, evidence-based, well governed and inclusive.   There is arguably no aspect of social policy more complex...

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