• Angelina Hakim

    Medical Device, Quality Management Expert and CEO/Founder - Qunique Ltd, Switzerland   If opportunity doesn`t knock, build a door –Milton Berle What is your top management tip? Regulatory challenges are real. Take them seriously and allow your company to embrace the changes required to be ready to face these...

  • Paul Sidhu

    Professor of Imaging Sciences and Consultant Radiologist - King’s College London, UK, President Elect, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)   What is your top management tip?   Learn to delegate appropriately, otherwise you just fall over.   What would you single out as a career...

  • Arnaud Hansske

    Founder and CIO of the Kashmir Lab, France

  • Rafael Beyar

    Chief Executive Officer & Director General Rambam Health Care Campus Women's Division/Dr Phillip and Sara Gotlieb Chair Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT , Israel   Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts -Winston Churchill   What is your top management...

  • Risk & Danger

    Without risk there is no progress or development. But risk, as with any professional action, needs to be identified and managed if its potential is to be harnessed optimally. A strong position on risk management is essential in today’s rapidly-changing healthcare world to avoid danger; danger in cyber security, danger in staff care and, critically,...

  • Future of imaging

    What does radiologist Prof. Paul Sidhu have planned for his tenure as Presidency of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) and what are his thoughts on future trends in imaging? Congratulations on being elected to the Presidency of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and...

  • The latest in breast imaging

    Prof. Gabor Forrai speaks with HealthManagement about the future of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and the latest guidelines and recommendations for women in mammography   EUSOBI recently updated its recommendations on information for women on mammography. What are the main updates? Also, why is it important to involve...

  • Is radiology a vital speciality?: Reflections on medium term prospects

    Comparing radiology to living at or near the ocean allows the threats to radiology to be explored via a nautical theme.   Our specialty is heading for a period of uncertainty, disquiet, challenge and perhaps peril, one that will likely manifest itself in the medium term, five to fifteen years hence at the latest. The signs that should engender...

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  • Abelardo Vidaurreta

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