Microbial air sampler M Air T® Merck Millipore

Microbial air sampler M Air T® Merck Millipore
M Air T®

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Overview Sterile product comes in contact with compressed gasses and air at numerous points in any production process. Microbial contamination can exist in the valves or lines that are used to feed gas and air into critical, aseptic manufacturing environments. Microbial monitoring of the gasses and air which pass through these lines is therefore a critical component of any environmental monitoring program. Easy to Use, Accurate Gas and Air Sampling The M Air T® System is designed for active air sampling from isolator and barrier environments. The M Air T® Compressed Gas and Air Test Kit, used with the M Air T® Isolator Pump, offers operators a uniquely convenient and reliable method of sampling compressed gas and air. The sampling head automatically converts the compressed air or gas sample, which can be at pressures of up to 5 bar (73 psi), to atmospheric conditions, thereby providing accurate, reliable sampling. Automated operation and short-duration, high-volume sampling reduces the time and effort required for monitoring and validating aseptic conditions. Processes up to 1000 liters in less than 8 minutes Ensures constant air flow and consistent air sampling Samples high pressure Easy to setup, easy to maintain
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Frankfurter Straße 250,
64293 Darmstadt
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