Automatic microbiology analyzer Milliflex® Quantum Merck Millipore

Automatic microbiology analyzer Milliflex® Quantum Merck Millipore
Milliflex® Quantum

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A fast bioburden testing technique to uncover contamination events earlier Overview Our Milliflex® Quantum system is designed for fast, fluorescence-based quantitative detection of microorganisms in the course of bioburden testing in pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturing facilities. It detects microbial colonies well before they become visible to the eye and thus significantly reduces the time to result, which may take several days when using traditional microbiological methods. This easy-to-use and simple system covers a broad range of filterable matrices and uses industry standard membrane filtration techniques to detect viable and culturable microorganisms down to 1 CFU per sample. Test results are comparable to your current microbial test results. This facilitates validation of this rapid system, which can be used in any laboratory. The Milliflex® Quantum does not destroy the detected microcolonies - it is therefore possible to identify any detected microorganisms by subsequently using your established ID methodology. Milliflex® Quantum helps you to address contamination events sooner, avoiding line shutdowns, enabling earlier release of products to the market and reducing storage costs. On top of this, it enables you to gain better control and understanding of your manufacturing process. Keep pace with today’s increasing production demands and reduce your time to result!
Frankfurter Straße 250,
64293 Darmstadt
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