Laboratory freezer / cabinet / ultralow-temperature / 1-door Lexicon II ESCO

Laboratory freezer / cabinet / ultralow-temperature / 1-door Lexicon II ESCO
Lexicon II

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Ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers are widely used in scientific research for long-term storage of samples. As ULT freezers are often operated at -80°C continuously for years, reliability is of paramount importance to researchers. Esco has used industry-accepted Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) to stress test a large number of Lexicon Freezers at extreme conditions. The Lexicon freezers passed these extreme stress tests insuring a design that is optimized to protect your precious samples. In accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 72-2005 and ARI 1200-2006/2008 guidelines and as tested by a UL validated third party test lab, DNS USA, the Esco Lexicon ULT Freezer surpassed the performance of 5 major competitors with lower energy consumption, superior cabinet performance (as measured by warm-up time), and demonstrated a larger BTU refrigeration reserve capacity. Superior performance, lower energy costs, better protection. Available sizes: 363L, 480L, 597L, 714L
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903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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