Animal containment workstation / research laboratory VIVA® VDA-A ESCO

Animal containment workstation / research laboratory VIVA® VDA-A ESCO

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This device prevents the escape of hazardous allergen from the work zone. It also prevents contaminated air from entering. Providing a ISO Class 4 air cleanliness, the downflow ULPA filter meets the ISO criteria 14644.1. Operating at an efficiency of 99.999% at MPPS the minipleat separatorless ULPA filter technology offers 0.3 and 0.12 microns to provided better product protection than most HEPA filters. This techonology also offers better operator and environmental protection. For easy control and access, the Esco Sentinel™ Microprocessor provides the operator with an LCD screen. Unsafe situations are recognizable due to the machine's alarm system which can detect a low airflow and dangerous sash positions. Minihelic® pressure gauges are offered to monitor each blower system's gross airflow and airflow disturbance. The product is coated with the antimicrobial powder Esco Isocide™ to prevent bacteria growth on the product's surface and keep the operators safely free of pathogens.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:12:"Application:";s:3:"val";s:43:"for animal containment, research laboratory";}}
903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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