Laboratory fume hood / laminar flow Labculture® RHL-A ESCO

Laboratory fume hood / laminar flow Labculture® RHL-A ESCO
Labculture® RHL-A

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The Labculture Reverse Horizontal Flow Cabinet (RHL) defends the surroundings of the laboratory against particles, aerosols, powders and allergens as well as its operator. The RHL offers the same amount of protection as first class Biological Safety Cabinets, fume hoods and other devices for containment as the RHL provides large volume of horizontal inward airflow. The RHL, however, does not protect operators and the laboratory environment from chemical vapors. It also cannot protect itself from contaminant exposures. But it does have state-of-the-art airflow monitoring and work zone that is conveniently sized.
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903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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