Laboratory fume hood / laminar flow Airstream® AHS-C ESCO

Laboratory fume hood / laminar flow Airstream® AHS-C ESCO
Airstream® AHS-C

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Where product protection is required the Airstream Series clean benches are perfect for food microbiology, cell culture of plants and mammalians, mycology, hospital protocols, cleanrooms, clinical pharmacies, aerospace and medical device industries. The Micron particles are much better than HEPA filters. The ULPA filters are designed to last as long as HEPA filters that are more conventional and the replacement costs are similar. The main body is made from a well constructed industrial grade steel that is electro galvanized. The one-piece formed stainless steel work surface offers a curved front edge that offers a smooth design. All of the products in the Esco line are manufactured to handle laboratory applications that are the most demanding and strenuous. It offers maximum chemical resistance and durability that is enhanced.
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903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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