• A Physiological Based Approach of Perioperative Management in Obese Patients

    The high-risk non-cardiac surgical population represents a major global healthcare challenge. Recent estimates suggest that 234 million major surgical procedures are performed worldwide each year (Weiser et al. 2008). Complications following major surgery are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality (Head et al. 2008; Jencks et al. 2009). Previous...

  • Disaster: Are you prepared?

    DISASTER: A heading that covers a myriad of problems, reactions, plans that have failed to come to fruition, sometimes natural, uncontrollable- other times purposeful and deliberate. Whether it be a natural eventhurricane, earthquake, flood or wild fire; an accidentplane crash, bridge collapse, ferry capsizing; or an intentional act- bomb explosion,...

  • Hospital Infections in Australia Cost $1 Billion in Lost Bed Days

    Infections caught in hospital are costing the Australian healthcare system more than 850,000 lost bed days, according to a new study by Queensland University of Technology. Associate Professor Nick Graves, from QUT's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, said there were 175,153 cases where patients had acquired an infection during their...

  • Process Control in Multiple Casualty Events

    There are few places which could be considered immune to man-made or natural disasters, culminating in a Multiple/mass Casualty Event (MCE). Much has been written on the importance of preparedness for a MCE. However, a relatively neglected aspect in the MCE literature is that of in-hospital process control from patient admission to the trauma bay...

  • Impact of Hospital-related Disturbances on Disaster Preparedness

    In response to the current economic constrains within the healthcare systems, different action plans and reforms, including tax increases, have been deployed to decrease the costs and to increase healthcare's effectiveness. It is, however, the time to realise that these measures are not enough and prioritisation might be the only way to cure this...

  • Pandemic in the ICU

    The new world, new technology and new means of transport not only make global cooperation easier, but also the distribution of new diseases. The new influenza A virus variant (H1N1)v, which has rapidly spread worldwide, offers new possibilities for cooperation and an unique opportunity to plan a mutual tactic against the pandemic. A new influenza...

  • The Polycompartment Syndrome

    Part Two: From cardiac to thoracic - the other compartment syndrome In the last issue of ICU Management, we featured PART ONE of this article, which discussed Pelvic Compartment Syndrome, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS) and intra-abdominal pressure measurement. In the second part of this article, we will focus on the remaining compartment...

  • The Mexican Healthcare System:

    The United Mexican States, better known as Mexico, is conformed by 32 states and the capital city is Mexico City. Mexico has a total population of 103 million people ( www.inegi.gob.mx ). Every Mexican has the right to receive health protection stated in the 4th article of the "Constitución Politica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos". Despite this constitutional...

  • Experience From the Influenza Outbreak in Mexico

    Background: Natural Disasters Mexico has suffered from more than its' fair share of disasters. In 1985, an earthquake struck Mexico City killing more than 10 000 inhabitants and destroying or disabling the most important high care hospitals. Following the earthquake, Mexican society showed a deep sense of humanity, solidarity and awareness about...

  • Euroanaesthesia 2009

    Euroanaesthesia 2009, the annual scientific meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiology, took place at the beginning of June in the Milano Convention Centre, the largest convention centre in Italy. Over its four days, around 5,500 delegates attended. Most participants pre-registered, but around 15% registered on the day. Euroanaesthesia...

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