• The Paediatric Patient

    Within any given hospital, the critically ill are among those patients requiring the highest level of specialised care and resources; but as it is increasingly noted, there are growing sub-populations of patients who require even more specialised care, equipment and protocols. In past issues of ICU Management, we have focused on many of these distinctive...

  • Remove Children's Catheters as Soon as Possible to Prevent Bloodstream Infections

    Hospitals can reduce the risk of lifethreatening bloodstream infections in children with peripherally inserted central venous catheters by assessing daily the patient's progress and removing the device as early as possible, according to a new Johns Hopkins Children's Center study published online in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. The study,...

  • New Procedure to Make Brain Surgery Safer

    To increase patient safety in clinical practice and minimise risks and damage that may arise during surgery, computer support and digital medical imaging are key technologies. Before brain operations, neurosurgeons can now evaluate patient-specific surgical risks, achieve increased safety, and avoid unacceptable risks. Brain interventions must...

  • The Quest for Leadership and Striking The Perfect Work / Life Balance

    Professor and Chairman of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Derek C. Angus is also Professor of Medicine and Health Policy and Management at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC. Dr. Angus is also the director  of the Clinical Research, Investigation and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness (CRISMA) centre at the University...

  • The Airway

    We are delighted to once again welcome you to the International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine in Brussels, Belgium. As our 31st, I am reminded that every year that passes marks another step forward in our evolution as a field. As patients in the intensive care unit often require support for airway and respiratory compromise,...

  • Hospital Infections and Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens

    Infections are among the most frequent complications of a stay in hospital and raise the complication and mortality rates. Calculations based on data from the Hospital Infection Surveillance System (Krankenhaus-Infektions-Surveillance- System, KISS) showed an incidence of almost 60,000 newly acquired infections per year in intensive care units in Germany....

  • Reducing Blood Transfusions Improves Patient Safety and Cuts Costs, Study Finds

    A Loyola University Hospital study has demonstrated how the hospital has improved patient safety and cut costs by reducing the number of blood transfusions.  In 2009, the average amount of blood products transfused per patient at Loyola was 10 percent lower than it was in 2008, saving 453,355 US dollars. The average amount of blood products transfused...

  • WHO Urges All Countries to Strengthen Health Financing so More People can Use Services

    Governments worldwide are struggling to pay for healthcare. As populations get older, as more people suffer chronic diseases, and as new and more expensive treatments appear, health costs soar. Even in countries where health services have traditionally been accessible and affordable, financing mechanisms are increasingly stretched. In countries that...

  • Problem Bugs

    Despite considerable marked efforts over the years, infections among critically ill patients have continued to be an almost insurmountable hurdle for clinicians to cross. The Extended Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care (EPIC II) study confirmed this prevalence of infection, with 51% of the 13,796 adult patients classified as infected, and 70%...

  • Delirium Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit

    Delirium is an acute confusional state associated with increased mortality in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and long-term global and neurologic impaired functional recovery. Despite its elevated incidence and major impact in the outcomes of critically ill patients, delirium remains underdiagnosed. Presently, there are validated instruments to diagnose...

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