• Care with IT

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Head, Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital Free University of Brussels, Belgium   Information technology has ‘invaded’ the intensive care unit at an astonishing rate over the last few years. Hand-held personal digital assistants (PDAs), patient databases, and clinical information...

  • Pandemic Preparedness and Patient Safety

    Author Kirstie Edwards, BSc MA MISTC C orrespondence [email protected]   Avian Influenza Action Plans A global meeting between the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the World Bank, held 7-9 November...

  • Handheld Computing

    A uthor Stephen E. Lapinsky MB BCh, MSc, FRCPC Technology Application Unit & Intensive Care Unit Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada   Handheld computing technology has the potential to become an important component of integrated information management systems for intensive care. These devices provide...

  • Keyboard and Mouse Acting as Reservoirs for Pathogens

    A uthors Bernd Hartmann , MD Rainer Röhrig , MD Axel Junger MD, PhD, MBA Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine, and Pain Therapy, University Hospital, Giessen, Germany   Keyboards in ICUs may serve as reservoirs for microorganisms, which may be transferred via the...

  • Timing of Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Renal Failure

    A uthors John. A. Kellum , MD Ramesh Venkataraman MD The CRISMA Laboratory (Clinical Research, Investigation, and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness) Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, USA Correspondence [email protected]   Drs Kellum...

  • Research Questions from Nursing Practice

    A uthor Julie Benbenishty RN BA ICU, Hadassah Medical Organization Jerusalem, Israel C orrespondence [email protected]   Nursing research can improve patient care and outcome, promote professional growth and help avoid staff burnout. In this article, Julie Benbenishty describes...

  • Care of the Deceased Patient and the Bereaved Family

    A uthors Maureen Ben-Nun , RN Sergio Konichezk , MD Yael Polishuk , RN MA Kaplan Medical Centre, Rehovot, Israel Julie Benbenishty , RN Hadassah Medical Centre Jerusalem   Maureen Ben-Nun and her colleagues have researched, developed and implemented a protocol...

  • Healthcare System in England

    A uthor Kim Sutherland Senior Research Associate Judge Business School University of Cambridge C orrespondence [email protected]   Dr Kim Sutherland, co-author of “The Quest for Quality in the NHS: a chartbook on quality of care in the UK” (2005), describes the infrastructure of...

  • UK Intensive Care

    A uthors Bob Winter Honorary Secretary Saxon Ridley Immediate Past President On behalf of the UK Intensive Care Society C orrespondence [email protected] Website www.ics.ac.uk   Drs Ridley and Winter present the facts on intensive care in the UK....

  • 26th International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

    A uthor Jean-Louis Vincent Head, Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Belgium.   Professor Jean-Louis Vincent presents a flavour of the programme for the 26th International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.   The 26th International Symposium of Intensive...

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