• FDA to Review CV Risk With Azithromycin

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will review a new study in which it is indicated that patients taking azithromycin are at a slightly increased risk of sudden cardiac death than patients treated with amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, or no antibiotic at all. The observational study entitled “Azithromycin and the Risk of Cardiovascular Death”,...

  • Competency-Based Training in Intensive Care Medicine

    The Competency-Based Training in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe (CoBaTrICE) collaboration was established in 2003 with a grant from the European Union’s Leonardo Programme, and endorsement from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the national training organisations (NTO) of 42 countries, including all those of the EU. The aim was...

  • Video Laryngoscopy: No Longer Just for Difficult Intubations

    Introduction In the US alone, up to 1,000,000 emergent intubations are performed annually in the acute care setting, both in and out of hospital (Weingart et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2011; National Emergency Number Associtation 2011). Meanwhile, multiple studies have demonstrated varying rates of successful endotracheal intubation (ETI). While anesthesiologists...

  • Ultrasonography in Critical Care Medicine: The WAMS Approach

    Ultrasonography with a head-to-toe approach has become a comprehensive tool in evaluating critically ill patients from the bedside. In this article, authors propose an innovative approach to critical care ultrasonography, which is simple, fast and transferrable to different anatomical sites.   Introduction In the past decade many authors have...

  • Fluid Overload is Not Only of Cosmetic Concern

    (Part II): results from a meta-analysis and practical approach  Co-authors Colin Cordemans, MD Intensive Care Unit ZNA Stuivenberg Antwerp, Belgium Niels van Regenmortel, MD Intensive Care Unit ZNA Stuivenberg Antwerp, Belgium Introduction In a previous issue of ICU Management (volume 12, issue 1), we suggested a three hit model...

  • The Intensive Care Unit of Tomorrow

    The University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) is a 1,042 bed hospital, which admits approximately 30,000 inpatients per year. All academic specialties are present and the hospital provides a core service in heart and lung transplantations, ventricular assist devices, trauma, neurosurgery, oncology, haematology and AIDS patients. In 2004, an independent...

  • New Ambulance Concepts to Improve Care in the ICU?

    The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art in London has a focus on people- centred and inclusive design. From its origins, researching and designing for an ageing population, its work has grown over the past 20 years to encompass better healthcare and better workplaces, because many people now live and work longer despite age-related...

  • Intensive Care Dietitian: An Important Contributor to Quality of Care

    Many experts have shown that nutritional therapy improves intensive care unit (ICU) outcomes. In particular, the use of early enteral nutrition (EN), as recommended by ESPEN guidelines (2006), is associated with a reduction in mortality in the sickest patients (Artinian et al. 2006). Paradoxically, enteral feeding is most difficult to perform in the...

  • Dutch Intensive Care Medicine: Its Start, Professionalism and Future Prospects

    The Dutch Society of Intensive Care celebrates its 35th anniversary this year, prompting this overview of developments in intensive care medicine within the Netherlands and the society known as Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care (NVIC), looking at eras of evolution and innovation, as well as assessing what the future holds.   The Emergence...

  • Excellence in Nutrition Therapy

    Lessons from the International Nutrition Survey and the Best of the Best Awards Over recent years, nutrition therapy for critically ill patients has gained momentum as an essential part of patient care. Research into this often undervalued intervention has escalated, demonstrating that providing the right amount of...

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