• Cost-Effectiveness

    As medical professionals, we are always seeking new, improved ways to save lives and provide a high quality of care. Coupled with the increasing pressure being applied during these increasingly unstable economic times, it comes as no surprise that one of the growing topics is that of addressing and achieving costeffectiveness. How can we create an...

  • Johns Hopkins & Lockheed Martin Collaborate For Next Generation ICU Unit

    The Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality of Johns Hopkins Medicine is collaborating with the Lockheed Martin Corporation, a global security and technology company, to create a safer and more efficient hospital intensive care unit (ICU) model. The two organisations will work to streamline complex and fragmented clinical systems and processes...

  • Antibiotic Resistance Continues to Rise

    The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is releasing new European-wide surveillance data showing that the percentage of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae is increasing within the European Union. Several Member States are now reporting that between 15 and almost 50 percent of K. pneumoniae from bloodstream infections are...

  • Management of Delirium in Elderly Patients

    Robert D. Barraco, MD, MPH, FACS, FCCP Chief Sections of Geriatric Trauma and Trauma Outreach [email protected] Also Chair Institutional Ethics Committee Lehigh Valley Health Network Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA Delirium was described in the first century AD by Celsus as “mental disorders such as...

  • Applying Transpulmonary Pressure in the ICU

    Tom Piraino, RRT Best Practice Clinical Educator Respiratory Therapy Services St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Ontario [email protected] Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) Department of Anaesthesia (Critical Care) Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Mechanical ventilation...

  • Simulation Training

    Saïd Hachimi-Idrissi, PhD, MD, FCCM Coordinator Clinical Skills and Simulation  Centre; Professor in Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine and  Paediatrics; Head  PICU, and Chairman of the Cerebral Resuscitation Research Group University Hospital of Brussels (UZ Brussels) Brussels, Belgium [email protected]...

  • Pocket-Sized Ultrasonic Stethoscopes

    Dr. Bruce J. Kimura Medical Director Cardiovascular Ultrasound Department of Cardiology [email protected] Dr. Stan A. Amundson Director Internal Medicine Residency Dr. David Shaw Director Graduate Medical Education Scripps Mercy Hospital San...

  • Quality Measurement & Evaluation of ICU

    Prof. Dr. Dominique Vandijck Dept. of Public Health and Health Economics Dept. of General Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Ghent University Hospital Ghent, Belgium Dept. of Health Economics and Patient Safety Hasselt University Hasselt, Belgium For years, some have tried to deny their value, but today we can no longer...

  • Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in Bulgaria

    Zlatina Alexieva, MD Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Military Medical Academy Sofia, Bulgaria Nikolay Petrov, MD Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Military Medical Academy Sofia, Bulgaria The accession of Bulgaria as a member of the European Union in 2007, has meant...

  • Challenges for Healthcare & ICU Management in Bulgaria

    Nikolay Petrov, MD Associate Professor Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Meicine Military Medical Academy Sofia, Bulgaria [email protected] Also, President of Society of Anaesthesiologists in Bulgaria President of BULSPEN (Bulgarian Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) Stefan Bakalov, MD Department of...

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