• Predictors of Poor Hand Hygiene in the Emergency Department

    The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America shared that a new report studying hand hygiene of healthcare workers in the emergency department found certain care situations, including bed location and type of healthcare worker performing care, resulted in poorer hand hygiene practice. The study was reported in the November issue of Infection Control...

  • Impact of Procalcitonin Measurement on Antibiotic Administration

    Author Arzu Topeli Iskit, MD Director Medical Intensive Care Unit and Division of General Internal Medicine Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, Turkey [email protected] Procalcitonin (PCT) is a biomarker which is used extensively, both as a surrogate marker to distinguish bacterial infections...

  • Data Centre Trends in the Healthcare Sector

    Robert Forsyth Bruno Raeymaekers ARCADIS Community of Practice (COP) for Data Centers [email protected] Growing IT applications are taking a central position in the functioning of any healthcare facility. Existing sites are commonly relying on older IT and technical facilities, not able to support the new...

  • Looking Back on 2011

    For this edition of ICU Management, we asked four influential leaders in critical care medicine, "What was the most important or interesting development in intensive care in 2011?" with the aim of pinpointing the hot topics in critical care and emergency medicine during the year just past, and identifying trends for the future. Each contributor provided...

  • Technology as a Means of Supporting the Clinical Environment

    For this edition of ICU Management, we asked four influential leaders in critical care medicine, "What was the most important or interesting development in intensive care in 2011?" with the aim of pinpointing the hot topics in critical care and emergency medicine during the year just past, and identifying trends for the future. Each contributor provided...

  • ICU Design – Does it Matter?

    Professor Flaatten explains how design can affect patient outcome, and reports data collected from a temporary ICU set-up during reconstruction of his ICU at Haukeland University. Does design matter? Intuitively most intensivists would probably answer yes to this question, given the experience we all have from various designs and functions...

  • From Paper to Computer Supported Decision Making; How Far are We?

    A uthors Johan Decruyenaere MD, PhD, Director Kirsten Colpaert , MD Dept of Intensive Care Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium C orrespondence [email protected]   Drs Decruyenaere and Colpaert review the impact of information technology on intensive care...

  • Perspectives of Mechanical Ventilation

    A uthors Salvatore Grasso Dipartimento dell’Emergenza e Trapianti d’Organo (DETO), Sezione di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione, Ospedale Policlinico, Bari, Italy   V Marco Ranieri Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione Ospedale S. Giovanni Battista- Molinette, Torino...

  • An Interview with Prof Jacques-Andre Romand

    I nterviewee Jacques-Andre Romand Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Department of Anaesthesiology, Pharmacology and Surgical Intensive Care, Geneva, University Hospital C orrespondence [email protected]   Jacques-Andre Romand shares his management experiences from a surgical...

  • MRSA Status and Strategies in the UK

    A uthor Christine Bates, MBChB MRCPath Department of Microbiology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield, UK C orrespondence [email protected]   This article outlines the current UK strategy for combating MRSA at a...

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