• Infectious Diseases Specialist Consultation in the Intensive Care Unit: Worth the Money?

    Particularly in an intensive care unit setting, patients admitted with or developing infection during their stay are at increased risk for adverse outcomes, unless presence or onset of infection is diagnosed early and appropriate antibiotics are administered promptly. This brief overview will elaborate on the contributing role of infectious diseases...

  • Special Focus on ESICM Congress

    The 23rd Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine held in Barcelona, Spain is one of the major intensive care meetings taking place in 2010. It features 10 parallel sessions including over 500 lectures, presentations, debates, round table discussions, tutorials and interactive educational sessions. Presentation of original...

  • News From ISICEM

    The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) is presently in the process of revising its guidelines on CPR, the last set of which were published in 2005. This important topic was covered at an interactive Round Table session during the 30th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency medicine. Five experts in the field of...

  • Industry News

    Covidien announced that a new in vivo study concluded that the Mallinckrodt™ TaperGuard™ endotracheal tube provided significant protection from microaspiration and lung damage compared to the Mallinckrodt™ Hi-Lo endotracheal tube. The findings were presented at the annual International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM), in...

  • 30th ISICEM: Reflecting on Three Decades of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine

    It has been 30 years since the first International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine was held. The Founder and Chairman of the meeting, Jean- Louis Vincent sat down with ICU Management Managing Editor Sherry Scharff to reflect on the early beginnings of ISICEM and to discuss the future of the symposium and the broader field of intensive...

  • Study Finds Taperguard Line of Endotracheal Tubes Reduces Microaspiration

    Boulder, CO —February, 2010 – Covidien announced results from a recent study1 suggesting that its Mallinckrodt™ TaperGuard™ line of endotracheal tubes reduces microaspiration by providing a more effective tracheal seal compared to other conventional endotracheal tubes. Microaspiration refers to aspiration of fluid, secretions and other materials...

  • Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic Use in the ICU:

    Kirsten Colpaert, MD Intensive Care Department Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium [email protected]   Pieter Depuydt, MD, PhD Intensive Care Department Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium [email protected]   Filip De Turck, M.Sc, PhD...

  • International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

    Authors Jean-Louis Vincent, Head, Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Christian Marolt, Publisher, CEO of Euromedical Communications SA Dear Reader, This is the first edition of ICU-Management. It has been produced in response to the intense interest...

  • A Management Strategy to Decrease Ventilator Associated Pneumonia:

    From Scientific Data and Recommendations to Clinical Practice A uthors M. Königs, M.D. K.H. Polderman, M.D. Ph.D . A.R.J. Girbes , M.D., Ph.D. Department of Intensive Care University Hospital VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam   S ummary This article describes a management...

  • “Wendelsheim: In the Middle of Everywhere!”

    Together with renowned researchers at the University of Tel Aviv in Israel, the German company AESKU is now on the trail of fresh possibilities for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.   Autoimmune diseases are diseases of the immune system, which can affect the entire body. While the immune system normally has the task of protecting...

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